Sunday, March 9, 2008

New week, new micro cycle

Todays training is

Back squat 3x5
press 3x5
pullups 3x8-15

Just to remind everyone of how the sets are done, when you see 3x5 as the reps these are the WORK sets and they are done as sets ACROSS. This means that the weight remains the same for the 3 sets of 5 reps. By doing this we are doing a higher total tonnage of weight than if you were to work up to a set of 5. Myself as an example I will be squatting 185 for 3x5. So my tonnage for the squat will be 185 x 15 total reps = 2775 total lbs squatted, whereas if I worked up to to one heavy set of 5 with 225 my tonnage would only be 1125 lbs squatted. By doing the 3x5 scheme more overall weight is being lifted and more work is being done which translate into more strength built, also the extra sets also help to reinforce technique through a full range of motion. This is also why we increase weight every workout for the major lifts even if it is only 1 lb, because we can and we will until, well, we can't which should be in about 3-9 months, in which case a change will be made for continued progress.

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