Thursday, March 18, 2010


Many roads lead to strength and conditioning, there is no "one" way to reaching fitness goals. Some are better than others and what works for some people may not work for others. What the most successful lifters and fitness enthusiasts have in common is discipline and commitment. Most people have program ADD, they are always jumping from one protocol to another, never giving a program a chance to work. The successful stick with it, they hammer away and only sometimes make little tweaks to the regime. I often get asked how much I max out lifts, typically anywhere from 5-8 months after I start a new cycle. In the mean time I'm training sub maximal and getting stronger. You will not find many heavy singles in my gym.

Bench press 5,3,1
Rest 5-10 minutes
Dumbbell thrusters x 20
Swings x 15
Pull-ups x 10
Burpees x 5
3 rounds fast as possible

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