Friday, October 29, 2010


“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” Jesse Owens

Squat 3x5
V-ups x20
Hip-ups x20
Chinnies x30 total
Perform this circuit twice
Rest 5 minutes
100 meter run
8 swings
8 dumbbell snatches (4 per arm)
6 rounds ASAP

Favre's Corner:
I train pull-ups hard because everything else improves when my pull-ups are strong. Then I did thousands of reps for my back shoulders and arms and, I know it's exciting to read about, but I ran like the wind yet again after lift'n.

Here are a few things that are true about me but people tend not to believe;

1) I am 30 years old
2) I weigh almost 200 lbs, people estimate me weighing much less for reasons unknown to me.
3) I actually run, the Air Force requires it, so I do it. Still don't like it.
4) I do not do and do not train my clients using Crossfit methodology. Training at high intensity with various protocols does not mean it's Crossfit or that Crossfit invented it.
5) Yes I drank a gallon of whole milk a day for over 3 months to gain weight. I went from 165 lbs to 218 lbs and drank well over 90 gallons of milk.
6) I only train 3 days a week due to my work schedule and I program accordingly.
7) I like musicals

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