Friday, November 12, 2010


My favorite full body movement is the tire flip. The tire flip works every muscle from neck to the calves. Another great aspect of the tire flip is the aggressiveness it builds in clients. In order to be successful, especially with my big tires, the client must start driving and lifting hard to get the tire over. The faster, more aggressive they are, the faster the tire flips.

Squat 3x5
Tire flip x 3
Swings x 9
Rest 1 minute
6 rounds

Just keep driving

Favre's corner:
Squatting low reps now to bang out high reps later, and I'm talking HIGH reps, as in it will take 2 weeks to recover from when the plan is put into action. Power cleans to keep my vert high and then many, many reps for the quads and pork chords.

I always knew this is what happened at slumber parties.

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