Some people swear by milk being one of the most perfect natural protein shakes and some people say dairy is not meant for human consumption. I'll let the individual decide, if it works then go with it and if not then find what does.
Floor press 5x5
15 pull-ups (21 pull-ups)
15 push-ups (ring dips)
15 2 count chinnies
Run 400 meters
12 pull-ups (15 pull-ups)
12 push-ups (ring dips)
12 2 count chinnies
Run 400 meters
9 pull-ups
9 push-ups (ring dips)
9 2 count chinnies
For time
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Chest up, back arched hard, and push those knees out during the entire range of motion while executing the squat.
Squat 3x3
5 dumbbell hang cleans (45lbs, 25lbs)
Run 150 meters
10 box jumps (24", 20")
Run 150 meters
15 push-ups
4 rounds for time
Squat 3x3
5 dumbbell hang cleans (45lbs, 25lbs)
Run 150 meters
10 box jumps (24", 20")
Run 150 meters
15 push-ups
4 rounds for time
Keep moving, going for max reps during each interval.
2 minutes jump rope
2 minutes chinnies
2 minutes climbers
90 seconds jump rope
90 seconds chinnies
90 seconds climbers
60 seconds jump rope
60 seconds chinnies
60 seconds climbers
30 seconds jump rope
30 seconds chinnies
30 seconds climbers
15 seconds jump rope
15 seconds chinnies
15 seconds climbers
The weights he is using are a 225 lb snatch and 315 lbs for the clean and jerk.
2 minutes jump rope
2 minutes chinnies
2 minutes climbers
90 seconds jump rope
90 seconds chinnies
90 seconds climbers
60 seconds jump rope
60 seconds chinnies
60 seconds climbers
30 seconds jump rope
30 seconds chinnies
30 seconds climbers
15 seconds jump rope
15 seconds chinnies
15 seconds climbers
The weights he is using are a 225 lb snatch and 315 lbs for the clean and jerk.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Back away from the bread
Unfortunately many of our health-care problems are self-inflicted: two-thirds of Americans are now overweight and one-third are obese. Most of the diseases that kill us and account for about 70% of all health-care spending—heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and obesity—are mostly preventable through proper diet, exercise, not smoking, minimal alcohol consumption and other healthy lifestyle choices.
—Mr. Mackey is co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market Inc.
Deadlift 3x3
Run 400 meters
21 weighted sit-ups
12 thrusters
3 rounds for time
—Mr. Mackey is co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market Inc.
Deadlift 3x3
Run 400 meters
21 weighted sit-ups
12 thrusters
3 rounds for time
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
When the workout looks simple on the board it will be killer on the mat.
50 pull-ups
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups
50 squats
For time
50 pull-ups
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups
50 squats
For time
Monday, August 24, 2009
Jump harder
Jump as hard as possible when executing these dynamic movements. This is not the time to get timid and soft with the weights, grip hard, maintain the proper positions and jump hard!
Push-press 3x3
5 snatches, left arm
5 snatches, right arm
10 burpees
5 rounds for time
Notice how these Chinese lifters jump hard to apply the maximum amount of power to the weight as possible. Then notice the Coach at the end with the yellow Nike shirt on, he has a gut.
Push-press 3x3
5 snatches, left arm
5 snatches, right arm
10 burpees
5 rounds for time
Notice how these Chinese lifters jump hard to apply the maximum amount of power to the weight as possible. Then notice the Coach at the end with the yellow Nike shirt on, he has a gut.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ever feel like a training session wasn't enough? This is an indication that an athlete is not pushing hard enough during the workout and will not be disrupting homeostasis enough to drive adaption. Training for the most part needs to be intense and challenging, if the board says "for time" then this means to push and blaze through the workout as fast as possible.
Run 550 meters
21 box jumps (24", 20")
21 ring dips
Run 400 meters
15 box jumps (24", 20")
15 ring dips
Run 150 meters
9 box jumps (24", 20")
9 ring dips
For time
Push-ups can be subbed for ring dips.
Jim Wendler knows what it takes to get strong!
Run 550 meters
21 box jumps (24", 20")
21 ring dips
Run 400 meters
15 box jumps (24", 20")
15 ring dips
Run 150 meters
9 box jumps (24", 20")
9 ring dips
For time
Push-ups can be subbed for ring dips.
Jim Wendler knows what it takes to get strong!
The back is capable of supporting and moving a massive amount of weight when it is arched correctly. Learn to properly activate the back in a strong arch and then fight to keep that arch throughout the range of motion. Then enjoy a life time of a strong, pain free back.
Deadlift 3x3
5 power cleans
5 front squats
100 rope turns or 30 double unders
5 rounds for time
This was the least annoying video about the superman exercise. When she says she is squeezing her core she is talking about her lower back, if she were squeezing her abs she wouldn't be able to perform the exercise. I use this movement to show and have an athlete feel what a active back held in a strong arch feels like. Now they will know what I'm talking about when I say to arch hard and keep the chest up.
Deadlift 3x3
5 power cleans
5 front squats
100 rope turns or 30 double unders
5 rounds for time
This was the least annoying video about the superman exercise. When she says she is squeezing her core she is talking about her lower back, if she were squeezing her abs she wouldn't be able to perform the exercise. I use this movement to show and have an athlete feel what a active back held in a strong arch feels like. Now they will know what I'm talking about when I say to arch hard and keep the chest up.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Dynamic warm-ups and mobility drills
Warming up prior to an training session should serve the purpose of raising the body's core temperature as well as taking the body through a full range of motion. Doing this will prepare the athlete for the main training session physically and mentally. In my gym we do a dynamic warm-up composed of basic mobility drills, this accomplishes the 2 objectives mentioned above as well as "waking" up the body which may have become inactive from sleeping or sitting in a office chair all day.
11 pull-ups
13 burpees
5 rounds for time
Just a sample of some movements
11 pull-ups
13 burpees
5 rounds for time
Just a sample of some movements
Monday, August 17, 2009
unilateral loading.
The body is one unit and strength is seamless and training the body as a whole is the fastest way to elite strength and conditioning. However loading full body movements in a one limb manner opens a whole new world of balance, flexibility, and core stability.
Push-press 5,5,5,3,3,3
5 swings, left arm
5 swings, right arm
5 overhead lunges, left arm
5 overhead lunges, right arm
5 rounds for time
Push-press 5,5,5,3,3,3
5 swings, left arm
5 swings, right arm
5 overhead lunges, left arm
5 overhead lunges, right arm
5 rounds for time
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Go heavy on the cleans during the conditioning portion of the workout today. Having to demonstrate a high power and strength output while highly fatigued will produce function directly parallel to the demands of daily work and play.
Front squat 5x5
5 cleans
25 push-ups
3 rounds for time
No gym, no problem.
Front squat 5x5
5 cleans
25 push-ups
3 rounds for time
No gym, no problem.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Old time Strongmen and current Strongman and Olympic lifting coach Dan John say there are only 3 kinds of strength:
1)Picking weight off the floor.
2)Putting weight over head.
3)Carrying weight for distance.
Training these 3 types of strength in some facet will build a very strong base for an athlete to expand on.
Run 800 meters
75 sit-ups
Run 800 meters
75 2-count chinnies
For time
1)Picking weight off the floor.
2)Putting weight over head.
3)Carrying weight for distance.
Training these 3 types of strength in some facet will build a very strong base for an athlete to expand on.
Run 800 meters
75 sit-ups
Run 800 meters
75 2-count chinnies
For time
Be patient with the first pull of the power clean. Wait until the weight hits the mid thigh area before jumping and hitting the second pull. This will allow maximum power production and put the body in the correct positions to successfully make the lift.
Power clean 5x5
15 box jumps (20", 24")
21 swings (35lbs, 55lbs)
12 pull-ups
3 rounds for time.
Power clean 5x5
15 box jumps (20", 24")
21 swings (35lbs, 55lbs)
12 pull-ups
3 rounds for time.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The hardest is the last 10.
200 rope jumps
50 push-ups
150 rope jumps
40 push-ups
100 rope turns
30 push-ups
50 rope turns
20 push-ups
25 rope turns
10 push-ups
For time
You do not need much for a workout, just some innovation, khakis are optional.
200 rope jumps
50 push-ups
150 rope jumps
40 push-ups
100 rope turns
30 push-ups
50 rope turns
20 push-ups
25 rope turns
10 push-ups
For time
You do not need much for a workout, just some innovation, khakis are optional.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
All posts and workouts will be coming a day later this week.
Press 3x3
Run 150 meters
12 jumping lunges
6 dumbbell snatches
5 rounds for time
The numbers here are totals to be split between each limb.
Going to be showing videos this week of odd and innovative training styles.
Press 3x3
Run 150 meters
12 jumping lunges
6 dumbbell snatches
5 rounds for time
The numbers here are totals to be split between each limb.
Going to be showing videos this week of odd and innovative training styles.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
How do you gauge progress to know if yourself or athletes are getting fitter? Easy, if all other aspects are equal, if more weight is being used or times are getting faster then we are getting fitter.
Squat 3x3
15 thrusters
15 swings
15 burpees
12 thrusters
12 swings
12 burpees
9 thrusters
9 swings
9 burpees
For time
Learn and play new sports
Squat 3x3
15 thrusters
15 swings
15 burpees
12 thrusters
12 swings
12 burpees
9 thrusters
9 swings
9 burpees
For time
Learn and play new sports
It looks simple on paper or white board, but simple does not always mean easy. The point of the 2 minutes of rest between the intervals is to allow for full recovery or at least pretty close to it. With this recovery each interval can be performed at near max intensity making this workout very taxing yet highly productive.
4x400 meter run
Rest 2 minutes between each interval
Thats fast
4x400 meter run
Rest 2 minutes between each interval
Thats fast
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Amy is the other brave athlete that completed the 6 workouts prior to the summer break. This one is going to be fun.
Body weight clean & jerk, 1500 total pounds
400 meter sandbag carry (95lbs, 65lbs)
Body weight clean & jerk, 1500 total pounds
400 meter sandbag carry (95lbs, 65lbs)
For time
take the athlete's current body weight and divide it by 1500 to get the number of reps for the clean & jerk. For example I weight 170 lbs so 1500/170=8.8, we round up to get 9 reps for a total of 18 total reps for the workout.
Power clean 5x5
11 pull-ups
8 dumbbell snatches (4 each arm)
5 rounds for time
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009

Shelly is one of the brave athletes that made it all 6 workouts before the summer break. It was physically and mentally tough so here is her workout:
3 muscle-ups
5 handstand push-ups
7 cleans (70% 0f 1RM)
7 rounds for time
Press 5,5,5,3,3
6 hang cleans (95lbs, 50 lbs)
8 burpees
Max rounds in 12 minutes
Saturday, August 1, 2009
How I love the training days that start with some heavy lifting and then move into a heavy and short conditioning session. Structuring training in this fashion is a very economical use of time in the gym that will yield some killer results.
Squats 3x3
Front squatsx7
Push pressx5
3 rounds for time
Courtesy of Bodytribe
Squats 3x3
Front squatsx7
Push pressx5
3 rounds for time
Courtesy of Bodytribe
Back in the gym
It is awesome being back in the gym!
Swings (55lbs, 35lbs)
Weighted sit-ups (55lbs, 35 lbs)
Box jumps (24", 20")
Run 150 meters in between each number
For time
Swings (55lbs, 35lbs)
Weighted sit-ups (55lbs, 35 lbs)
Box jumps (24", 20")
Run 150 meters in between each number
For time
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