Friday, August 21, 2009


The back is capable of supporting and moving a massive amount of weight when it is arched correctly. Learn to properly activate the back in a strong arch and then fight to keep that arch throughout the range of motion. Then enjoy a life time of a strong, pain free back.

Deadlift 3x3
5 power cleans
5 front squats
100 rope turns or 30 double unders
5 rounds for time

This was the least annoying video about the superman exercise. When she says she is squeezing her core she is talking about her lower back, if she were squeezing her abs she wouldn't be able to perform the exercise. I use this movement to show and have an athlete feel what a active back held in a strong arch feels like. Now they will know what I'm talking about when I say to arch hard and keep the chest up.

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