Amy is the other brave athlete that completed the 6 workouts prior to the summer break. This one is going to be fun.
Body weight clean & jerk, 1500 total pounds
400 meter sandbag carry (95lbs, 65lbs)
Body weight clean & jerk, 1500 total pounds
400 meter sandbag carry (95lbs, 65lbs)
For time
take the athlete's current body weight and divide it by 1500 to get the number of reps for the clean & jerk. For example I weight 170 lbs so 1500/170=8.8, we round up to get 9 reps for a total of 18 total reps for the workout.
Power clean 5x5
11 pull-ups
8 dumbbell snatches (4 each arm)
5 rounds for time
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