Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wow a whole week I was slacking

Actually pretty damn busy as always! Sending my Certified Fitness Trainer final in a couple of days and then I hear back in 3 days if I passed, which I am pretty damn sure I will and then it will be off to the races!

Some sick training forn Smitty and Jedd Johnson from the Diesel Crew

Sunday, April 13, 2008

This thing is awesome!

This would be a great buy for someone training out of a garage or just likes to have equipment to be able to do a shitload things.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pushinh your limits

We all are more than capable at pushing well past our mental and physical limits. There really is no limit as to how far we can push the human body. World records are falling and the weight people are lifting is mind boggling. The world record in the squat is 1212 lbs and in the clean and jerk it is around 590 lbs!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Going early morning today.

Have a small day trip planned with the family

Squat 3x5
Press 3x5
pullups 100 for time
weighted situp


Strongman style of training is great at building strength and work capacity. The movements require strength, agility, endurance and whole body conditioning. They should be included in everyones training program.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Front squats

Moved to front squats on Wednesday to break up the squats and tp coax along more gains.

Front squats 3x3
bench 3x5
dead 1x5

Monday, April 7, 2008

Snow on the ground

More snow on the ground but training goes on!

Squat 3x5
Press 3x5
Pullups 3x8-15

More snow is predicted for tonight and possibly up to Thursday. I'm ready for warmer weather.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ross is the man

Here is a video of strength coach and boxing trainer Ross Enamait. Ross really utilizes a low tech high effect style of training and as you can see from the weight he is moving it really does work. He is proof that you don't have to spend hardly any money on equipment to get to build elite fitness!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


If you haven't figured out by now that I love to prescribe pullups! They are very effective at building upper body strength and rehabing those busted up shoulders from to moany years of bench pressing. Pullups are also great for building grip and forearm strength. As you can see in the vid it is fine to switch your grips as this will aid in building balanced musculature. The guy in the video is Rob Miller, an accomplished mountain climber.

Friday, April 4, 2008


squat 3x5
bench 3x5
pullups 50 for time

Here is the vid that I meant to post yesterday

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Overhead squats

Overhead squats are a fantastic way to build over all body strength as well as a strong core. They are a new world if you have never done them before. An empty bar will be enough of a challenge with a goal of 15 reps with your bodyweight on the bar as a long term goal.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Change will be coming

Squat 3x5
press 3x5
dead 1x5

Ok getting past a month here on this strength cycle now and the weights are getting challenging. My weight has not gone up because I didn't it too but something I have had to keep in mind was that my weights would eventually slow down faster than those of someone eating more and putting on some quality weight. This is fine and gives me the chance to implement some strategies to keep progress going. SO what I have planned and if anyone elses weights are stalling then read on. Friday I will drop my squat weights 10% and work up from there gradually adding weight. Also squats will be done on monday and friday for 3x5 adding weight but wednesday I will do front squats for 3x3. Splitting the squats should allow me to coach along some more gains before I hit another stall. Right now this is only for squats as my other lifts are moving along fine. Keep in mind as well we didn't start this cycle as raw beginners so we will be able to cycle off sooner. More than likely we will total out around week 6.