Thursday, July 31, 2008


This was the last week of over head pressing as I said before I rotate the exercises every 3 weeks to keep the athletes fresh and progress moving.

Press 5x5
pushups 5 sets of a quality set
pull ups 5 sets of a quality set

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Training at the Olympic Training Center

Here is a nice video of some of our strongest athletes going through their final workouts prior to leaving for China.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Roll your own

What better way for an athlete to create a highly functional workout than by simply rolling a dice!? it's fun and effective and everyone rolled pretty varied with only a few rounds being the same.

1-situps 20
2-pushups 20
3-squats 20
4-burpess 12
5-swings 20
6-400 meter run

Roll the dice 2 times and the exercises must be done in the order rolled.
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can

15 pull ups
30 pushups
45 squats

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Monday, July 28, 2008

Last week of deadlifts

I like to rotate the max effort work about every 3 weeks or so to keep the workouts interesting and the CNS working properly. I have a great letter that I will email later this week about goal setting, so if anyone checking this blog who is not one of my athletes please leave your email in the comments section or email me directly and I will get it to you. This will of course be free and very helpful!

Deadlifts 5x5
Turkish getups 3x10 each arm

Squats 5x5
Press 5x5
power clean 5x3

Bw squats x 10 situps x 10 pushups x 10 =
10 rounds for time

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Magic 50!

Well it is back the great Magic 50! Not much else to say but this workout is brutal. 5 dumbell snatches per hand, 5 dumbell swings per hand , and then finish the round with 10 burpees. Take a minute rest after each round and perform 5 rounds. Simple yet brutal!

5 dumbell snatches per arm
5 dumbell swings per arm
10 burpees

5 rounds for time

Friday, July 25, 2008


Thrusters are a nasty movement that bring in many elements of movement and muscle. Thrusters also have that "holy shit" factor when an athlete does them for the first time and they realize the stress the movement puts the body through. It is easy to perform, rack 1 or 2 dumbells onto the shoulders, drop into a full squat and then squat explosively out of the hole and use the momentum to press the dumbell or barbell overhead. That makes 1 rep.

run 400 meters
1 arm dumbell thrusters 10 each arm
4 rounds for time

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 45 lb dumbell thrusters
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 pullups

for time

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Getting strong!

These athletes continue to impress me with strength and conditioning improvements! Every athlete shown great improvements in their performance and body composition goals, so keep up the good work!

Overhead press 5x5
pushups 3x max reps
pull ups 4 x quality reps

A quality set is a set where the athlete works until they feel the next rep would be to difficult to finish and stop before that rep. This is also called keeping 1 rep in the tank. Doing this helps the athlete to stay fresh while getting an effective workout.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

With a jump!

Added a great little addition to the athletes squat thrust, a jump at the end! This little bit of fun really adds to the intensity of the movement. Today they also learned the goblet squat, this helps with learning how to stay int he proper positions during the squat and reinforces the lessons learned during the learning of the body weight squat. I use this as a primer to squatting with a bar on the back.


Goblet squats
squat thrusts


95 lb over head squats
pull ups

Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Amaya!!

Today is Amaya'a 6th birthday and we are off to Elitch gardens in Denver for some fun in the sun!

Deadlifts 3x5
Turkish getups 3x10 (5 each arm)

Deadlifts x10
squats x50

run 400 meters

5 roounds for time.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tire flipping!

It does not get much better than combining a heavy full body movement with a high intensity full body conditioning exercise. This kind of workout greatly mimics the stresses that our bodies have the potential to go through on a dialy basis.

5 tire flips
15 squat thrusts

5 rounds for time

Friday, July 18, 2008

A little Chilly

A little chilly this morning but the athletes were able to stay warm doing this little doozy


Run 400 Meters

for 3 rounds

10 push ups
12 situps
20 squats

As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes

Run 400 Meters

for 3 rounds
12 push ups
18 situps
24 squats

As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rolled their own!

Workouts that is, utilizing 1 dice the athletes rolled what workouts they did.

6-400 meter run

Everything is done for 20 reps except the burpees which are 12 reps. The dice is rolled each time twice with the exercises done in the order rolled. With as many rounds done in 20 minutes as possible.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Deadlifts and Turkish Getups

I love to strength train and I love training my athletes to become stronger and what better way to do this with a movement that strengthens the entire body and then finishing it up with a very challenging core movement the turkish getup.


Deadlifts 3x5

Turkish Getups 3x 5 each arm

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tabata intervals

Introduced the athletes to Tabata intervals. This entail 20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest. Its is the longest 20 secs and the shortest 10 secs you will expirience!





All Tabatas

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lower intensity day.

Had a lower intensity day to help balance all the hard work the athletes have been putting in. But just because it is lower intensity does not mean in is not effective, these days are just as important as the harder days to allow the body to rest and build it's self up.


Run 400M
25 crunches

4 rounds for time

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Team workout!

Had an awesome team workout today!! Had the athletes pair off into 2's and then they alternated reps in a ladder,

Squat thrusts

The ladder is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Good strength day!

Everyone is still putting in work to continue to build that foundation! had some fun stuff going on this morning with some bodyweight work happening, some one dumbell front squats, and some heavy odd object lifts!


4 pulls

12 push ups

20 squats

5 rounds


5 dumbell front squats

12 push ups

12 pulls

5 rounds


Sandbag zercher squats

one arm dumbell overhead press 30 lb

keg lifts

5 rounds of max reps

Monday, July 7, 2008

Putting in work!

The crew put in some heavy duty work this morning! Good job Ladies!!

Training: 4 swings
6 push ups
8 squats

Training: 5 swings
10 push ups
15 squats

as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Everyone got over 10 rounds. Awesome job see you on Wednesday

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day off

Hope everyone enjoys their day off and rest up to hit it hard on Monday!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Great work before a day off

We started the weekend right!!

Mighty mile

12 burpess
24 push ups
36 squats

400M run

4 rounds for time

Scaled as needed

Happy 4th of July!!

The athletes earned their calories before celebrating the nations birthday!


3 pull-ups
8 pushups
10 squats

5 rounds

forward and left to right planks


Squat 5x5
Overhead press 5x5
weighted pull-ups 3x8-10

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Another great day with the athletes putting in some quality work.


4 400M runs
2 minute rest in between


20 kg kettlebell goblet squats 5x5
8 kg kettlebell over head presses 3x8-10
8 kg kettlebell swings 3x10

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Awesome Wednesday!

Had an awesome training session this morning with 2 of my athletes doing this training:

run 400

max pull-ups

As manner rounds as possible in 20 minutes

And a new athlete hitting her first workout and doing a kickass job!

1 pull-up

2 pushups

3 squats

As manner rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

The garage gym is working out very nice and will only improve over time.