Thursday, December 31, 2009


People need to spend more time building their press and bench press prior to training the push-press or any kind of jerk.

Power clean 3x5
Press 5x3

Sunday, December 27, 2009


What happened to Friday? It was Christmas, enjoy the holidays with family and we can worry about training a little later.

Squat 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
150 push-ups
150 swings
For time

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Power clean 3x5
Deadlift 5x1
Rest 5-10 minutes
200 double-unders
For time

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bench press

Having problems increasing the press? The answer is bench press. Much heavier weights will be used while benching as opposed to the push-press. The heavier weights will build more upper strength that will carry over to the press.

Bench press 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
20 dumbbell front squats
20 pull-ups
16 dumbbell front squats
16 pull-ups
12 dumbbell front squats
12 pull-ups
8 dumbbell front squats
8 pull-ups
For time

Someone tell Kaz that arm curls are not "functional", I'm not telling him shit.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Been hitting some Christmas party's and wine. Here is Fridays training.

Squat 3x5
Rest 5- 10 minutes
10 power cleans
20 push-ups
3 rounds for time

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This is a great combo to work, the power cleans, being much more technical are worked first. Since the power cleans aren't "heavy" in the conventional slow lift context, they provide a great warm-up to the deadlift. The heavy set of 5 on the deadlift builds the strength necessary to improve the power clean amongst other things.

Power clean 3x5
Deadlift 5x1

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Less than 10%

When an athlete is consistently below 10% body fat, performance will suffer. Typically 12-15% yields some of the best performance depending on the sport and its metabolic demands. Plus the extra fat helps to keep you warm on cold Wyoming winter days.

50 double-unders
10 plyo-push-ups
40 double-unders
8 plyo-push-ups
30 double-unders
6 plyo-push-ups
20 double-unders
4 plyo-push-ups
10 double-unders
2 plyo-push-ups
For time

Monday, December 14, 2009


Scale the weights as needed for the conditioning portion of the training session.

Press 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
Over-head squats (95lbs, 65lbs
For time

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Friday's training.

Squat 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
100 swings (55lbs, 35lbs)
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups
For time

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Reps and sets

When there is strength programmed , and when isn't with me, the nomenclature should be read as follows: Deadlift 5x1, this is 5 reps at 1 set. Another example is: power cleans 3x5, this 3 reps at 5 sets. The first number is reps and the second number is sets.

Power clean 3x5
Deadlift 5x1

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Sometime I hear "Favre, I finished that workout in under 5 minutes, is that too fast?" Think about what we do during the entire training session and the week overall. There's the general warm-up, then the specific warm-up, a heavy lift comprising of multiple sets, and then the conditioning. That's a shit load of work to pack in to an hour and then multiply by 5 days with only 2 rest days throughout any given week. If the conditioning was drawn out and a grinder we would have a lower total work/power output and a more difficult time recovering. It's all part of the greater plan to build strength and conditioning in the safest and most efficient means possible.

8 pull-ups
10 box-jumps (24", 20")
5 rounds for time

Some men run, others stick around to wrestle the bear.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Sometimes life has different, busier plans than we are ready for.

Press 3x5, add between 1-5lbs from previous weight
Rest 5-10 minutes
9 dumbbell snatches each arm (35lbs, 55lbs)
15 double-unders
Max rounds in 12 minutes