Tuesday, March 11, 2008

1 lb at a time

Thats how much these weight increases will drop to each workout. Right now we are doing 5 lbs a workout for all major lifts which is 30 lbs every 2 weeks! These weight increases are essential to the success of this cycle. By increasing the weight per workout we are disrupting our bodies homeostasis and forcing an adaption to occur, this is called supercompensation. If the weight were to stay the same the disruption would not occur and strength would not be built. If technique breaksdown during weight increases then drop the increase to 1/2 to 1 lb increments. The weights I picked to begin the cycle were intentionally low to allow technique and strength to be reinforced and built.

Squat 3x5
bench press 3x5
deadlift 1x5

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