Saturday, August 2, 2008

15 minutes

Instead of the regular 20 minute interval we did 15 today, I did this to encourage the athletes to sprint to the end. Also changing the time keeps the workouts varied and the athletes on their toes! Just a reminder my goal setting newsletter is almost complete so if you are not one of my athletes but want this free newsletter please leave a comment with your email or go into my profile and email me directly.

Over head press -Work up to 3 heavy singles that are over 90% of your 1 rep max
be sure to take 3-5 minutes of rest between singles

elevated pushups-5 x quality reps
pull ups 5 x quality reps

5 dumbell swings
10 sprinters
15 squats
20 jumping jacks

max rounds in 15 minutes

from Crossfit
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
For time

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