Two athletes hit major weights and personal bests this week! First we have Tracy hitting 111 lbs during max effort thrusters just this morning! Awesome job keep up the strong work. We also have SSgt Lee of MHT pulling a huge 500 lbs, which is also a quarter ton!
Thrusters 1,1,1,1,1
F.T.G. training:
Start a stopwatch and on the 1st minute do 1 clapping push-up, rest and minute 2 do 2 clapping push-ups and minute 3 do 3 clapping push-ups. Go until you can no longer complete the number of push-ups in which ever minute your on
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Got work to do!
Just getting it done tonight.
20 push-ups / 1 pull-up
19 push-ups / 2 pull-ups
18 push-ups / 3 pull-ups
17 push-ups / 4 pull-ups
16 push-ups / 5 pull-ups
15 push-ups / 6 pull-ups
14 push-ups / 7 pull-ups
13 push-ups / 8 pull-ups
12 push-ups / 9 pull-ups
11 push-ups / 10 pull-ups
10 push-ups / 1 sit-up
9 push-ups / 2 sit-ups
8 push-ups / 3 sit-ups
7 push-ups / 4 sit-ups
6 push-ups / 5 sit-ups
5 push-ups / 6 sit-ups
4 push-ups / 7 sit-ups
3 push-ups / 8 sit-ups
2 push-ups / 9 sit-ups
1 push-ups / 10 sit-ups
For time
F.T.G. and what Favre did:
Run 400 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Max rounds in 20 minutes
To measure 400 meters get in your vehicle and reset the odometer, then drive until the odometer reads 0.1 miles, running to that spot and back to where you started is approximately 400 meters. I recommend starting the 400 meters near the pull-up bar you will be using.
Courtesy of Crossfit
20 push-ups / 1 pull-up
19 push-ups / 2 pull-ups
18 push-ups / 3 pull-ups
17 push-ups / 4 pull-ups
16 push-ups / 5 pull-ups
15 push-ups / 6 pull-ups
14 push-ups / 7 pull-ups
13 push-ups / 8 pull-ups
12 push-ups / 9 pull-ups
11 push-ups / 10 pull-ups
10 push-ups / 1 sit-up
9 push-ups / 2 sit-ups
8 push-ups / 3 sit-ups
7 push-ups / 4 sit-ups
6 push-ups / 5 sit-ups
5 push-ups / 6 sit-ups
4 push-ups / 7 sit-ups
3 push-ups / 8 sit-ups
2 push-ups / 9 sit-ups
1 push-ups / 10 sit-ups
For time
F.T.G. and what Favre did:
Run 400 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Max rounds in 20 minutes
To measure 400 meters get in your vehicle and reset the odometer, then drive until the odometer reads 0.1 miles, running to that spot and back to where you started is approximately 400 meters. I recommend starting the 400 meters near the pull-up bar you will be using.
Courtesy of Crossfit
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Core Strength?
I use the term I heard from Coach Greg Glassman, midline stability. Midline stability is what our abs, low back and hips do while loaded, with either weight or our own body weight. This is the primary job of the core. Now in our official warm up there are crunches, however they are there as a general warm up for the abs and not to build core strength. To some degree in an untrained athlete this will aid in building some core strength, but not near as much as when they learn to properly stabilize their midline. As a Athletic Trainer I do get asked what I do for abs and my response is "Deadlifts, squats, overhead work, pull-ups, swings, burpees, and so on"
Work the push-jerk
Learn dumbbell hang squat cleans
5 dumbbell hang squat cleans
10 burpees
Max rounds in 12 minutes
F.T.G. training:
"Country girl"
9 dumbbell snatches left hand
9 dumbbell snatches right hand
21 burpees
15 dumbbell snatches left hand
15 dumbbell snatches right hand
15 burpees
21 dumbbell snatches left hand
21 dumbbell snatches right hand
9 burpees
For time
What Favre did:
135 lbs clean
Ring dips
For time
courtesy of Crossfit
Work the push-jerk
Learn dumbbell hang squat cleans
5 dumbbell hang squat cleans
10 burpees
Max rounds in 12 minutes
F.T.G. training:
"Country girl"
9 dumbbell snatches left hand
9 dumbbell snatches right hand
21 burpees
15 dumbbell snatches left hand
15 dumbbell snatches right hand
15 burpees
21 dumbbell snatches left hand
21 dumbbell snatches right hand
9 burpees
For time
What Favre did:
135 lbs clean
Ring dips
For time
courtesy of Crossfit
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Staying tight
My athletes hear it all the time, big air and stay tight. Prior to any big lift we pull as much air into our upper bodies as we can and tighten down our core as solid as possible. This pulls our bodies natural musculature in to the proper places to prepare to move big weight. The intra-abdominal pressure stabilizes the core giving the athlete a solid platform to work. This is how our body was meant to work and move big weight, any regular gym rat that says to breathe out while lifting because they are scared of a stroke or some other nonsense is wrong and needs to read up on some physiology and bio mechanics.
Squat 5 x 5
20 squats
20 lunges
20 jump lunges
10 squat jumps
F.T.G. training:
Pistols 5 x 5
20 squats
20 lunges
20 jumping lunges
10 jumping squats
Squat 5 x 5
20 squats
20 lunges
20 jump lunges
10 squat jumps
F.T.G. training:
Pistols 5 x 5
20 squats
20 lunges
20 jumping lunges
10 jumping squats
Monday, January 26, 2009
Unilateral training
The training that utilizes 1 limb (basically) while still performing a compound movement. An athlete will soon discover that they have a very dominant side and a side that requires work. It is natural for human beings to favor their dominate side and we do this consciously and un-consciously every day. Most of the population is right handed with only a few being south-paw, but the weakness will be the same in both, generally. When a training session such as the one below comes along we start on the weak side, when we are the freshest, and end on the dominate side, when we are fatigued. This strategy will build the weak side more efficiently and in turn start to turn our weaknesses into strengths.
F.T.G. training:
15 dumbbell overhead squats, left hand
21 swings
15 dumbbell overhead squats, right hand
5 rounds for time
Scale the reps on the overhead squats as necessary, leave the swings and rounds the same.
F.T.G. training:
15 dumbbell overhead squats, left hand
21 swings
15 dumbbell overhead squats, right hand
5 rounds for time
Scale the reps on the overhead squats as necessary, leave the swings and rounds the same.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Get the weight overhead
The correct over head position, the weight will be in the mid line of the body, is the most stable position to be in. Here the weight will be easy to stabilize and keep locked out without much effort on the athletes part. Keep this position as the end point for every press, push-press, or push-jerk. If the weight happens to be put to far forward the athlete finds out very quickly how unforgiven the weight and gravity is of this mistake.
Press 1,1,1,1,1
Push-press 1,1,1,1,1
Push-jerk 1,1,1,1,1
F.T.G. training:
15 pull-ups
30 push-ups
45 squats
Max rounds in 20 minutes
Press 1,1,1,1,1
Push-press 1,1,1,1,1
Push-jerk 1,1,1,1,1
F.T.G. training:
15 pull-ups
30 push-ups
45 squats
Max rounds in 20 minutes
Thursday, January 22, 2009
New girl to thrown down with, a hybrid of 2 tough girls.
100 rope turns
5 thrusters
10 pull-ups
15 squats
5 rounds for time
F.T.G. training:
30 pull-ups - 60 squats
25 pull-ups - 50 squats
20 pull-ups - 40 squats
15 pull-ups - 30 squats
10 pull-ups - 20 squats
5 pull-ups - 10 squats
For time
100 rope turns
5 thrusters
10 pull-ups
15 squats
5 rounds for time
F.T.G. training:
30 pull-ups - 60 squats
25 pull-ups - 50 squats
20 pull-ups - 40 squats
15 pull-ups - 30 squats
10 pull-ups - 20 squats
5 pull-ups - 10 squats
For time
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
There is nothing like completing a heart pumping set of burpees as fast as you can only to realize that on the next round, you will have to do it all over again but with one more rep.
1 burpee
50 rope turns
2 burpees
50 rope turns
3 burpees
50 rope turns
4 burpees
50 rope turns
5 burpees
50 rope turns
6 burpees
50 rope turns
7 burpees
50 rope turns
8 burpees
50 rope turns
9 burpees
50 rope turns
10 burpees
50 rope turns
For time
F.T.G. training:
10 swings then 1 burpee
10 swings then 2 burpees
10 swings then 3 burpees
10 swings then 4 burpees
10 swings then 5 burpees
10 swings then 6 burpees
10 swings then 7 burpees
10 swings then 8 burpees
10 swings then 9 burpees
10 swings then 10 burpees
For time
Thanks to Crossfit
1 burpee
50 rope turns
2 burpees
50 rope turns
3 burpees
50 rope turns
4 burpees
50 rope turns
5 burpees
50 rope turns
6 burpees
50 rope turns
7 burpees
50 rope turns
8 burpees
50 rope turns
9 burpees
50 rope turns
10 burpees
50 rope turns
For time
F.T.G. training:
10 swings then 1 burpee
10 swings then 2 burpees
10 swings then 3 burpees
10 swings then 4 burpees
10 swings then 5 burpees
10 swings then 6 burpees
10 swings then 7 burpees
10 swings then 8 burpees
10 swings then 9 burpees
10 swings then 10 burpees
For time
Thanks to Crossfit
Monday, January 19, 2009
From the ground
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Better than coffee
A heavy conditioning session on a brisk Saturday morning can wake the body up much better than coffee. The training will stimulate the nervous system and get the blood flowing. I still had a couple cups of the other vitamin C because Dunkin Doughnuts coffee is just that fantastic.
Dumbell hang squat cleans
For time
F.T.G. training:
10 burpees
Sprint 1 minute
10 plyo-metric push-ups
6 rounds for time
Dumbell hang squat cleans
For time
F.T.G. training:
10 burpees
Sprint 1 minute
10 plyo-metric push-ups
6 rounds for time
Friday, January 16, 2009

Everyone has something they are weak at or a better terminology would be something we as athletes need to work more on. Myself, I could use more work on thrusters, progress does come slower for me on this exercise, but this is no excuse to stay weak on it. I was once told find what I was weak on and make it a strength, sage advice that I pass along to anyone I train. Take a realistic look at yourself and see what needs work and be honest. Turn it into a strength and take your fitness higher than you thought you could.
F.T.G training:
Jumrope 150 turns
Squats x 50
Push-ups x 10
Jumprope 100 turns
Squats x 50
Push-ups x 20
Jumprope 50 turns
Squats x 50
Push-ups x 30
For time
What Favre did:
10 thrusters 95 lbs
10 pull-ups
20 double-unders
5 rounds for time
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Power clean
From the ground and up. Everyday people pick objects up off the ground and lift it to their shoulders. This is basically what a power clean is, taking the barbell from the ground, getting into the proper position and exploding the weight up to the shoulders. There is more to it, but that's the basics of the lift, fast, strong and powerful.
Learn and work the power clean
What Favre did:
Overhead squat 5 x 3
F.T.G training:
Pistols 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps with 3 to 5 minutes of rest between. Choose your set and rep scheme.
Learn and work the power clean
What Favre did:
Overhead squat 5 x 3
F.T.G training:
Pistols 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps with 3 to 5 minutes of rest between. Choose your set and rep scheme.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Flying burpees
Easy to perform, start a regular burpee but instead of jumping and clapping to finish, the athlete will jump up onto something at least 12 inches tall.
Flying Burpees
F.T.G. training:
7 pull-ups
25 burpees
4 rounds for time
What Favre did:
For time:
155 pound Power clean 15 reps
30 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 12 reps
24 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 9 reps
18 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 6 reps
12 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 3 reps
6 Ring dips
Thank you Crossfit
Flying Burpees
F.T.G. training:
7 pull-ups
25 burpees
4 rounds for time
What Favre did:
For time:
155 pound Power clean 15 reps
30 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 12 reps
24 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 9 reps
18 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 6 reps
12 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 3 reps
6 Ring dips
Thank you Crossfit
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Proper set-ups and a strong grip
Both of these factors will contribute greatly to the success of the lift or sets being performed. The proper set-up puts the athlete in the most mechanically efficient position to execute a lift and be successful. If needed, and today it was, a strong grip will complete the chain between the athlete, the implement and the ground. We are only as strong as our weakest link.
F.T.G. training: Handstand push-ups, practice and get used to being upside down for 30 minutes. If you are able to do these right away work them in sets: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps with 3-5 minutes rest in between. You choose today.
F.T.G. training: Handstand push-ups, practice and get used to being upside down for 30 minutes. If you are able to do these right away work them in sets: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps with 3-5 minutes rest in between. You choose today.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Relative strength.

Relative strength is the amount of strength you produce per your bodyweight. So instead of worrying about some fixed weight out there, the most popular being the 300 lb bench press, instead 1.5 times your bodyweight would be our bench mark. How impressive is a 300 lb bench press when the athletes weight is 300 lbs? Not very, now it is far more impressive if the athlete weighs 150 lbs and benches 300 lbs, and even though both athletes are benching the same weight, the 150 lber is far stronger. The standard in my gym is relative strength and the beginning bench marks are a
2x bodyweight deadlift,
1.5x bodyweight full squat
3/4 bodyweight over head press.
What Favre did:
5 x Bodyweight front squats
2 x muscle-ups
15 x box jumps
max rounds in 30 minutes
I'm going to be awesomely sore tomorrow!
Can't wait for the weather to warm up to get back on some boulders.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Double bodyweight deadlifts
I had 3 troops that I train pull double bodyweight deadlifts today! A double bodyweight deadlift is a great indicator of athletes moving past the beginner stages of strength training and coming into the intermediate stage. I have never specifically trained the deadlift with them and on the occasion they did pull, it was never with maximal weights. Strength is complimentary and the body is one piece.
Training: Start a stopwatch and on the 1st minute do 1 push-up, rest and minute 2 do 2 push-ups and minute 3 do 3 push-ups. Go until you can no longer complete the number of push-ups in which ever minute your on.
D.G. Training: Start a stopwatch and on the 1st minute do 1 clapping push-up, rest and minute 2 do 2 clapping push-ups and minute 3 do 3 clapping push-ups. Go until you can no longer complete the number of push-ups in which ever minute your on.
Training: Start a stopwatch and on the 1st minute do 1 push-up, rest and minute 2 do 2 push-ups and minute 3 do 3 push-ups. Go until you can no longer complete the number of push-ups in which ever minute your on.
D.G. Training: Start a stopwatch and on the 1st minute do 1 clapping push-up, rest and minute 2 do 2 clapping push-ups and minute 3 do 3 clapping push-ups. Go until you can no longer complete the number of push-ups in which ever minute your on.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Heavy conditioning
Feeling uncoordinated and un-athletic? Well that's the reason we learn and do lifts such as the push-jerk and movements like burpees. Movements such as these teach athleticism and build coordination through out the body as a result of learning and executing the skill correctly. Anyone can benefit from learning these complex skills and anyone can learn them.
Push-jerk x 5
Burpees x 10
5 rounds for time
D.G. training:
5 pull-ups
10 burpees
5 rounds for time
Push-jerk x 5
Burpees x 10
5 rounds for time
D.G. training:
5 pull-ups
10 burpees
5 rounds for time
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Big air, and arch hard!
I use simple coaching cues that will quickly remind the athletes about form and technique prior to the execution of the lift or movement. Doing this provides them with instant feedback and over time will improve their awareness of their bodies in various positions at given times. Again always striving to build more than simple strength or conditioning qualities,total wellness and ease is the goal.
Deadlifts 5x3
D.G. training:
Practice the Pistol.
Use the following article to get started
Deadlifts 5x3
D.G. training:
Practice the Pistol.
Use the following article to get started
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Multiple components of fitness
Choosing movements and exercises that build multiple components of fitness simultaneously is one aspect of where the success lies for any training program. Running and jogging can be referred to as a "mindless" skill to perform, as in very easy to execute and doesn't require much agility and coordination. Jumping rope, however, requires focus, agility and coordination to successfully perform. We are then utilizing a greater stimulus to build higher levels of conditioning and various other equally important aspects of fitness.
Jump rope 2 minutes
Pull-ups x 15
3 rounds for time
What Favre did:
Jump rope 2 minutes
Muscle-ups x 5
3 rounds for time
Thanks to Ross Enamait and Buddy Lee
Jump rope 2 minutes
Pull-ups x 15
3 rounds for time
What Favre did:
Jump rope 2 minutes
Muscle-ups x 5
3 rounds for time
Thanks to Ross Enamait and Buddy Lee
Monday, January 5, 2009
Weighted overhead squats
Balance,accuracy, strength, flexibility, and core strength are just some of the benefits of the overhead squat. Yes the load is much, much smaller than the front or back squat but moving the weight through the full range of motion locked over head builds strength throughout the body in essence as Dan John wrote "It makes the body one piece." . It is unforgiven of form mistakes and there is no cheating with the movement. The gold standard is 15 straight reps with the athletes body weight loaded onto the bar.
Overhead squat practice then work sets weighted
What Favre did:
Hang power-clean 7x1
Thanks to Crossfit and Ironmind
Overhead squat practice then work sets weighted
What Favre did:
Hang power-clean 7x1
Thanks to Crossfit and Ironmind
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Going solo
Everyone at one time or another has had to train alone, and this is not always a negative thing. Having a dedicated training partner has an awesome effect of pushing the training and driving both athletes to new PR's. But when its just you and the workout, you need to bring that motivation and drive out of your self. The athlete really must rely on their own self reliance to still build fitness and make gains and learn how to truly compete against themselves. Workouts and times must be recorded to give the athlete a metric to beat and no, talking to yourself while training does not make you crazy. When the athlete learns to push themselves and succeed, they dominate when put into a group workout or competition. So get the stop watch ready, turn up the music and get the game face on to smash your records.
Push-jerk 6x3
1:00 sprint / 1:00 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:50 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:40 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:30 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:20 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:10 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:20 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:30 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:40 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:50 rest
1:00 sprint / 1:00 rest
These are all out sprints, be fast and powerful!
Thanks Crossfit Endurance
Push-jerk 6x3
1:00 sprint / 1:00 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:50 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:40 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:30 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:20 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:10 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:20 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:30 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:40 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:50 rest
1:00 sprint / 1:00 rest
These are all out sprints, be fast and powerful!
Thanks Crossfit Endurance
Friday, January 2, 2009
First workout of the 2009
Resolutions have been made, goals are set and now it is time to take action to start on the journey to completing them. I hope everyone is as excited as I am for the this year. This is a video of Maris Miller, a model, showing how she loves to box. This is very refreshing to see someone in her profession training in a healthy and productive way. Although I feel she needs to put on some more muscle and she defiantly needs to get faster its pretty awesome to see.
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Max rounds in 20 minutes
Pin-up Girl
10 burpees
10 sit-ups
10 push-ups
10 squats
Max rounds in 20 minutes
Thanks to Crossfit
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Max rounds in 20 minutes
Pin-up Girl
10 burpees
10 sit-ups
10 push-ups
10 squats
Max rounds in 20 minutes
Thanks to Crossfit
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