The training that utilizes 1 limb (basically) while still performing a compound movement. An athlete will soon discover that they have a very dominant side and a side that requires work. It is natural for human beings to favor their dominate side and we do this consciously and un-consciously every day. Most of the population is right handed with only a few being south-paw, but the weakness will be the same in both, generally. When a training session such as the one below comes along we start on the weak side, when we are the freshest, and end on the dominate side, when we are fatigued. This strategy will build the weak side more efficiently and in turn start to turn our weaknesses into strengths.
F.T.G. training:
15 dumbbell overhead squats, left hand
21 swings
15 dumbbell overhead squats, right hand
5 rounds for time
Scale the reps on the overhead squats as necessary, leave the swings and rounds the same.
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