Everyone has something they are weak at or a better terminology would be something we as athletes need to work more on. Myself, I could use more work on thrusters, progress does come slower for me on this exercise, but this is no excuse to stay weak on it. I was once told find what I was weak on and make it a strength, sage advice that I pass along to anyone I train. Take a realistic look at yourself and see what needs work and be honest. Turn it into a strength and take your fitness higher than you thought you could.
F.T.G training:
Jumrope 150 turns
Squats x 50
Push-ups x 10
Jumprope 100 turns
Squats x 50
Push-ups x 20
Jumprope 50 turns
Squats x 50
Push-ups x 30
For time
What Favre did:
10 thrusters 95 lbs
10 pull-ups
20 double-unders
5 rounds for time
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