Monday, November 24, 2008


The aim of our focus can be the deciding factor if we finish or struggle through a round or set. When the athletes mind is completely focused on the task at hand they will always be successful. Conversely if the athlete is letting her mind wander and become distracted even the easiest weight can prove impossible. As one of the athletes discovered tonight anger and aggression can be very powerful aids in the success of the task. But I want to give a word of caution here, I do not want my athletes constantly going to a place of anger and aggression for motivation as it can be poison for the soul. That being said if someone happens to be having a difficult week or month, I encourage them to have it out in the gym. Abuse the weights and exhaust yourself and know you are building yourself stronger.

Press 5x5

This is a tribute video to my favorite modern day Strongman Jesse Marunde who over a year ago died unexpectedly

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