Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fuck off Favre The name of this workout pretty much says it all, there is more of it but that part will be added in later.

10 swings x 1 burpee
10 swings x 2 burpees
10 swings x 3 burpees
10 swings x 4 burpees
10 swings x 5 burpees
10 swings x 6 burpees
10 swings x 7 burpees
10 swings x 8 burpees
10 swings x 9 burpees
10 swings x 10 burpees

MHT Training:
6 pull-ups
8 situps
10 squats
4 rounds Sampson stretch
Then Partner running:
Partner up and while run partner runs the other simply holds the top portion of a push-ups until the run is done. Partner run 400 meter run max push-ups hold 5 rounds for time

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