Monday, October 6, 2008

The role of a spotter

Evidence has since proven that a spotter helping the lifter finishing a rep does NOT help build more strength and muscle. The proper role of a spotter is for safety reasons and giving a lift off to the lifter. If weights are prescribed over a set period of reps and sets, they are to be with out any help. If you happen to miss or the spotter helps you get that last rep then the weight cannot be counted and were too heavy to begin with. Be smart with your weight selection and be patiant, the nature of the programming calls for weight increases. Pick smartly and work hard but do it yourself, you will become stronger faster.

Warm up-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Swings, situps, squats


MHT training:
Bench press 5x5
Goblet squats 4x10

Here it is video of Scott Medelson benching 715 lbs, notice the spotter gives a lift off and then everyone takes a safety role and not an assisting role.

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