It doesn't really matter how much the athlete weighs, they should still be able to get 20 and up pull-ups if they are strong. This guy can also deadlift well over 900 lbs.
10 pull-ups
10 push-ups
10 rounds for time
F.T.G. training:
10 pull-ups
10 elevated push-ups
10 rounds for time
The feet must be elevated higher than the shoulders while in the standard push-up position.
What Favre did:
10 pull-ups
10 ring dips
10 rounds for time
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Core stability
The big lifts require the athletes body to "fire" muscle correctly during the proper execution of functional movements. This means the power and strength will radiate from the athletes core to the extremities.
Front squats 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Sit-ups 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12
Swings 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
For time
Front squat weight is 65 lbs for women and 135 lbs for men
F.T.G. training:
Swings (35 lbs, 55 lbs)
Knees to elbows
For time
Courtesy of Crossfit
Front squats 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Sit-ups 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12
Swings 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
For time
Front squat weight is 65 lbs for women and 135 lbs for men
F.T.G. training:
Swings (35 lbs, 55 lbs)
Knees to elbows
For time
Courtesy of Crossfit
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
More rest
Bit it's coming to an end!
F.T.G. training:
30 secs swings
30 secs burpees
30 secs rest
10 rounds
What Favre did:
Push-jerk 1,1,1,1,1
F.T.G. training:
30 secs swings
30 secs burpees
30 secs rest
10 rounds
What Favre did:
Push-jerk 1,1,1,1,1
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Most training sessions are on a rest as needed basis with the athlete racing the clock. Today we rest, this rest will enable the athlete to hit each round with more intensity. Also today we are not counting reps, just hitting the rounds hard.
F.T.G. training:
30 secs pull-ups
30 secs mountain climbers
30 secs jumping jacks
30 secs pull-ups
30 secs mountain climbers
30 secs jumping jacks
Rest 1 minute
6 rounds
What Favre did:
30 reps for time
135 lbs clean and jerk
Courtesy of Crossfit
F.T.G. training:
30 secs pull-ups
30 secs mountain climbers
30 secs jumping jacks
30 secs pull-ups
30 secs mountain climbers
30 secs jumping jacks
Rest 1 minute
6 rounds
What Favre did:
30 reps for time
135 lbs clean and jerk
Courtesy of Crossfit
Sunday, February 22, 2009
CowGirl Up

The new workout earned by an athlete and to be enjoyed by all.
Cowgirl Up
1 x Double body weight deadlift
3 x Handstand push-ups
5 x Body weight overhead squats
5 rounds for time

F.T.G. training:
Complete as many handstand push-ups as possible in 20 minutes.
Press 5,5,5,5,5
What Favre did:
Front squat 3,3,3,3,3
Mya and me playing in the old gym.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Please read yesterdays post.
Country girl 2.0
15 dumbbell snatches left arm
15 dumbbell snatches right arm
21 burpees
9 dumbbell snatches left arm
9 dumbbell snatches right arm
15 burpees
3 dumbbell snatches left arm
3 dumbbell snatches right arm
9 burpees
For time
Country girl 2.0
15 dumbbell snatches left arm
15 dumbbell snatches right arm
21 burpees
9 dumbbell snatches left arm
9 dumbbell snatches right arm
15 burpees
3 dumbbell snatches left arm
3 dumbbell snatches right arm
9 burpees
For time
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Adversity, challenges, and self doubt
Everyone faces these in their life, sometimes daily and sometimes for what seems like months or years. Everyone also possesses the power to keep moving forward despite massive setbacks and what they feel is failure. No one fails until they believe it themselves and allow themselves to quit and I believe failure is not even a real thing. We don't fail, we just find the wrong way to do something. Just learn to realize a wrong attempt and work to find the right one. In the words of the famous Rocky "Life is not about how hard you get hit, it's how hard you get hit but get up every time and keep moving forward." 1 more pound lifted, 1 more rep performed, 1 second faster, 1 more pound lost, just 1 minute of believing in yourself is all improvement. Never let go and never go quietly into the night, fight, claw and bust your ass for what you want and dream, you can do it.
Jumping jacks
For time
F.T.G. training:
Run 400 meters
50 pull-ups
Run 400 meters
50 push-ups
Run 400 meters
50 swings
For time
What Favre did:
For time
Some days are harder.
Jumping jacks
For time
F.T.G. training:
Run 400 meters
50 pull-ups
Run 400 meters
50 push-ups
Run 400 meters
50 swings
For time
What Favre did:
For time
Some days are harder.
Go hard and then go home
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Strong kids
I believe it is extremely important in this age of video games, cartoon network, the Internet and all the other reasons kids have to stay inside and on the couch, to get kids outside and active again. Sports teams are struggling, parks are usually empty, and summer camps are experiencing an all time low in attendance. Kids are missing out on so much health and living that it's a shame. My kids train, do sports, dance, and I kick their little behinds out of the house to play when the weather isn't too horrific. Don't worry about injuries and them getting dirty, they will get stronger and be healthier.
10 thrusters
10 pull-ups
75 rope jumps
5 rounds for time
F.T.G. training:
5 dumbell thrusters left arm
5 dumbell thrusters right arm
10 pull-ups
75 rope jumps
5 rounds for time
10 thrusters
10 pull-ups
75 rope jumps
5 rounds for time
F.T.G. training:
5 dumbell thrusters left arm
5 dumbell thrusters right arm
10 pull-ups
75 rope jumps
5 rounds for time
Monday, February 16, 2009
Real world application of increased capacity
Tracy discovered the strength that she has been building when she was able to pull a bow set at 62 lbs! Also we have Chris zoning hard and dropping body fat like crazy and increasing her performance every week. Wendy came in this morning and pressed 65 lbs the first time we worked up to her working sets. Keep up the strong work ladies, and zone hard!
Press 5,5,5,5,5
F.T.G. training:
Handstand push-ups, practice and get used to being upside down for 30 minutes. If you are able to do these right away work them in sets: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps with 3-5 minutes rest in between. You choose today.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day!
Be easy on the sweets and hit the training hard! I have a workout named the "St. Valentines Day Massacre" That anyone with a Concept II rower can hit up.
St. Valentines Day Massacre:
1000 meter row
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
For time
F.T.G. training:
200 rope turns
50 sit-ups
100 rope turns
40 sit-ups
50 rope turns
30 sit-ups
25 rope turns
20 sit-ups
15 rope turns
10 sit-ups
For time
Sit-ups or crunches,you decide, just be consistent.
St. Valentines Day Massacre:
1000 meter row
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
For time
F.T.G. training:
200 rope turns
50 sit-ups
100 rope turns
40 sit-ups
50 rope turns
30 sit-ups
25 rope turns
20 sit-ups
15 rope turns
10 sit-ups
For time
Sit-ups or crunches,you decide, just be consistent.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Nervous all day
Every time Fran comes up I get that nervous sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. The workout is fast, brutal, and absolutely horrible.
Thrusters (65 lbs, 95 lbs)
For time
F.T.G training:
"Friday the 13th"
Hit it as hard as you can. Try to finish in under 5 minutes.
Courtesy of Crossfit
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Bending bars, getting scars.
We had Wendy and Chris pull a big 177 lbs deadlift this week! The great thing about this is I don't program any kind of specificity towards the deadlift, I usually adhere to the Crossfit method of increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains. The athletes keep getting stronger and stronger every week. If it ain't broke, I'm not going to fix it.
Deadlift 1,1,1,1,1
F.T.G. training:
15 bench jumps
Run 400 meters
Max rounds in 20 minutes
What Favre did:
45 double-unders
45 squat cleans, 135 lbs
45 ring dips
45 double-unders
For time
Courtesy of Crossfit
Deadlift 1,1,1,1,1
F.T.G. training:
15 bench jumps
Run 400 meters
Max rounds in 20 minutes
What Favre did:
45 double-unders
45 squat cleans, 135 lbs
45 ring dips
45 double-unders
For time
Courtesy of Crossfit
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Set the hips behind the shoulders, lean into the tire with a good grip and drive through that bad boy! Get aggressive and don't quit till the tire is flipped.
5 tire flips
15 push-ups
25 squats
4 rounds for time.
F.T.G training:
Squat 80-40-20-40-80
Dumbbell swing 40-20-10-20-40
Pull-ups 15-10-5-10-15
Guys weight is 55 lbs, girl weight is 35 lbs
For time
1st round goes squat-80
DB swing-40
This workout has a high "fuck,shit!" factor.
What Favre did:
Deadlift 1,1,1,1,1
Chris and Ellen smashing it
5 tire flips
15 push-ups
25 squats
4 rounds for time.
F.T.G training:
Squat 80-40-20-40-80
Dumbbell swing 40-20-10-20-40
Pull-ups 15-10-5-10-15
Guys weight is 55 lbs, girl weight is 35 lbs
For time
1st round goes squat-80
DB swing-40
This workout has a high "fuck,shit!" factor.
What Favre did:
Deadlift 1,1,1,1,1
Chris and Ellen smashing it
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Water breaks
I'm starting to notice that my athletes tend to take too many water breaks through out the course of a session. Now being hydrated is very important to overall health and performance, but seriously nobody is going to die of dehydration during a 20 minute workout! Basically if your ass deep into a session of burpees, swings and pull-ups, putting some water into your stomach to slosh around isn't going to help much. If you are tired its fine to lean and breathe and catch your breathe but hydrate through out the day and after you smash a workout drink all the water your stomach can handle.
7 swings
7 pull-ups
7 burpees
Max rounds in 20 minutes
F.T.G training:
150 push-ups, with a twist.
Start doing the push-ups but every time the knees or any other portion of the body, except the feet and hands, touch the ground, get up and run 400 meters. Go until all the push-ups are complete running as necessary.
For time
What Favre did:
7 muscle-ups
21 burpees, jump and touch an object 12 inches above your reach
5 rounds for time
I respect them as athletes!
Courtesy of Crossfit
7 swings
7 pull-ups
7 burpees
Max rounds in 20 minutes
F.T.G training:
150 push-ups, with a twist.
Start doing the push-ups but every time the knees or any other portion of the body, except the feet and hands, touch the ground, get up and run 400 meters. Go until all the push-ups are complete running as necessary.
For time
What Favre did:
7 muscle-ups
21 burpees, jump and touch an object 12 inches above your reach
5 rounds for time
I respect them as athletes!
Courtesy of Crossfit
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Friday and Saturday
Push-jerks (65 lbs, 95 lbs)
Swings (35 lbs, 55 lbs)
For time
F.T.G. training:
200 rope turns
21 push-ups
25 squats
150 rope turns
15 push-ups
50 squats
100 rope turns
9 push-ups
75 squats
For time
Push-jerks (65 lbs, 95 lbs)
Swings (35 lbs, 55 lbs)
For time
F.T.G. training:
200 rope turns
21 push-ups
25 squats
150 rope turns
15 push-ups
50 squats
100 rope turns
9 push-ups
75 squats
For time
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Remember those 100 burpees from a couple of posts ago? Normally I don't do this when training my athletes but I jumped in to this training session. Nothing brings people together like collective suffering, and I was getting tired of training alone.
100 burpees
for time
F.T.G training:
"Dating Deelicious"
70 burpees
60 sit-ups
50 swings (35 lbs, 55 lbs)
40 pull-ups
30 push-ups
For time
Courtesy of Crossfit
100 burpees
for time
F.T.G training:
"Dating Deelicious"
70 burpees
60 sit-ups
50 swings (35 lbs, 55 lbs)
40 pull-ups
30 push-ups
For time
Courtesy of Crossfit
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Normally I don't like to use the word "hard" during a workout as it can have negative mental side effects for the athlete training. But damn heavy squats are HARD! Heavy squats impose a huge demand on all the body systems and the weight is on the back for the entire set. The results are well worth the gut busting work.
Squats 5,5,5,5,5
F.T.G. training:
Pistols 5,5,5,5,5
Squats 5,5,5,5,5
F.T.G. training:
Pistols 5,5,5,5,5
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Force x Distance and divided by time gives us power and intensity is exactly equal to power. This is important because intensity is where our great results come from. The more intensity, the more favorable adaptions to exercise there will be. Is running 6 miles intense? It's hard but I wouldn't say it's intense, 100 burpees for time? Yes, wicked freaking intense!
200 rope jumps
15 thrusters
150 rope jumps
12 thrusters
100 rope jumps
9 thrusters
For time
F.T.G. training:
10 swings
10 bench jumps
5 pull-ups
10 rounds for time
What Favre did:
30 muscle-ups for time
200 rope jumps
15 thrusters
150 rope jumps
12 thrusters
100 rope jumps
9 thrusters
For time
F.T.G. training:
10 swings
10 bench jumps
5 pull-ups
10 rounds for time
What Favre did:
30 muscle-ups for time
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