Everyone faces these in their life, sometimes daily and sometimes for what seems like months or years. Everyone also possesses the power to keep moving forward despite massive setbacks and what they feel is failure. No one fails until they believe it themselves and allow themselves to quit and I believe failure is not even a real thing. We don't fail, we just find the wrong way to do something. Just learn to realize a wrong attempt and work to find the right one. In the words of the famous Rocky "Life is not about how hard you get hit, it's how hard you get hit but get up every time and keep moving forward." 1 more pound lifted, 1 more rep performed, 1 second faster, 1 more pound lost, just 1 minute of believing in yourself is all improvement. Never let go and never go quietly into the night, fight, claw and bust your ass for what you want and dream, you can do it.
Jumping jacks
For time
F.T.G. training:
Run 400 meters
50 pull-ups
Run 400 meters
50 push-ups
Run 400 meters
50 swings
For time
What Favre did:
For time
Some days are harder.
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