Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tabata Tracy

Thank god there are no burpees at least! Add up all the reps for a total score, highest score wins.

Tabata Tracy

Tabata thrusters
Tabata pull-ups
Tabata squats
Tabata push-ups
Tabata swings
Max reps each interval

Friday, May 29, 2009

One piece

As the great strength coach Dan John has said, the body is one piece. We live life, work and play with our whole body, so we train the whole body.

Front squats 5x1
Weighted sit-ups 4x10

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Lots of people suffer from tight hips and tight hamstrings. Being tight in these areas will really contribute to back pain and reduced mobility. Prior to our workouts we do a dynamic warm-up which accomplishes two things: 1. It brings the body's core temperature up and 2. Takes our body through a full range of motion and at the same time, stretches our muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Achieving both of these goals helps to increase performance and helps to ward of future pain and mobility issues.

1 mile eventually: Partner up, While one partner is running a 400 meter interval the other partner is jumping rope until partner one returns. This is done for 4 rounds for time. Each person will run 4 time and jump rope 4 times.


minute drills!

Swings x 30 secs
Mountain climbers x 30 secs
Jumping jacks x 30 secs
Swings x 30 secs
Mountain climbers x 30 secs
Jumping jacks x 30 secs
Rest 1 minute
6 rounds

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day.

Thank you to all my Brothers and Sisters, who are also comrades in arms, for your service to this great country. Fair winds to those that have fallen, you shall never be forgotten.

Push-jerk 5x1
Push-up plank x 45 secs
Plank x 45 secs
Rest 45 secs
4 rounds

Saturday morning

Minute drills to kick off the long weekend right!

Swings x 30 secs
Mountain climbers x 30 secs
Jumping jacks x 30 secs
Swings x 30 secs
Mountain climbers x 30 secs
Jumping jacks x 30 secs
Rest 1 minute
6 rounds

Courtesy of Ross Enamait


Heavy on the front squats and on the core, a match made in heaven.

Front squats 5x3
Weighted sit-ups 3x10

Thursday, May 21, 2009


What aspect of fitness wasn't worked today in the workout to some degree? Post thoughts in the comments.

21 x thrusters
21 x swings
21 x burpees
15 x thrusters
15 x swings
15 x burpees
9 x thrusters
9 x swings
9 x burpees
For time

Courtesy of Crossfit

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Chris has been very dedicated with her training and diet and has shown vast improvements in her strength, conditioning, and body composition. Keep up the strong work!

100 thrusters (50% body weight)
For time

Run 400 meters
Jump rope x 50 turns
Max rounds in 20 minutes

Monday, May 18, 2009

The catch

The idea of the power jerk is too to jump aggressively to apply as much power possible to the bar, and then too very quickly reverse the athlete's upward motion downward so the bar is caught with the arms locked and the athlete is semi-squat position. There is no pressing motion per say in this movement but punch those arms hard to the sky.

Power-jerk 5x3
Push-up plank x 45 secs
plank x 45 secs
Rest 1 minute
4 rounds

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday morning smoker.

Exercise selection kept this triplet nice and fast, so we could start the weekend off right.

21 x thrusters
21 x push-ups
100 rope turns
15 x thrusters
15 x push-ups
75 rope turns
9 x thrusters
9 x push-ups
50 rope turns
For time


Front squats today. Take a loose grip on the bar and raise those elbows HIGH. This creates a nice "shelf" on the delts for the bar to sit nice and secure on.

Front squats 5x5
Weighted sit-ups 3x10

200 kg is 440 lbs.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The dirty 30!


"The Dirty 30"
30 x box jumps
30 x pull-ups
30 x push-ups
30 x swings
30 x burpees
30 x sit-ups
For time


With the warmer weather it's time to pound the pavement.

Run 400 meters
21 x dumbbell swings
Run 400 meters
15 x dumbbell swings
Run 400 meters
9 x dumbbell swings

If you train at home, the easiest way to mark off 400 meters is to get in your vehicle and reset the odometer, start driving from the point you will run from and drive until the odometer reads .1 miles. Running to that point and back is about 400 meters.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Stomp your heels!

Stomping the heels into the ground after the initial "jump" upon the landing will help timing the lockout of the weight over head and enforce proper positions i.e. landing in a partial squat during the push-jerk. However do not start "donkey kicking." This happens when the athlete, in an effort to produce a big loud stomp, raises the feet too high in the air. It's inefficient and not needed, only jump high enough to slip a playing card under the feet.

Push-jerk 5x5
Push-ups plank x 45 secs
plank x 45 secs
rest 1 minute
4 rounds

Saturday, May 9, 2009


The athletes will be hitting the pavement on some runs and some other fun I have planned for this summer.

15 tire flips
150 rope turns
12 tire flips
100 rope turns
9 tire flips
50 rope turns
For time

Reinforcing the ground

These girls are all getting strong, and I'm not talking sitting on a swiss ball curling 5 lb weights or doing the gyno-flex at the looking globo. I'm talking weight on the bar, big plates and deep squat strong, the shit that really matters.

Squats 5x1
Turkish sit-ups 3 x 10 (5 x each arm)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Deadlift 5x1
12 burpees
10 sit-ups
11 burpees
10 sit-ups
10 burpees
10 sit-ups
9 burpees
10 sit-ups
8 burpees
10 sit-ups
7 burpees
10 sit-ups
6 burpees
10 sit-ups
5 burpees
10 sit-ups
4 burpees
10 sit-ups
3 burpees
10 sit-ups
2 burpees
10 sit-ups
1 burpee
10 sit-ups
For time
These are feet anchored Air Force style sit-ups

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dumbbell bear

No one wants to cuddle with this bear for 20 minutes.

5 x dumbbell deadlifts
5 x dumbbell power cleans
5 x dumbbell thrusters
Perform this complex on the minute, every minute, for 20 minutes. Be smart with the loading, this 20 minutes gets rugged.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Complete in any order.

Today's couplet can be completed in as many sets and in any order, as long as all repetitions are completed.

50 pull-ups
50 burpees
For time
Thanks to the masterminds at the Great Basin Crossfit games qualifiers for this blazing workout.

Monday, May 4, 2009

On to bigger and better lifts!

A new over head lift cycle begins Monday, the push-jerk. The most athleteic and explosive lift of the 3 lift cycle.

Push-press 5x1
Push-up plank x 30 secs
plank x 30 secs
4 rounds

Handstand push-ups 5x1
Push-ups plank x 30 secs
plank x 30 secs
Rest 1 minute
4 rounds

Saturday, May 2, 2009

external and bodyweight

Learning to properly control external objects and your own bodyweight is an indispensable skill in life and work.

Tire flips x 10
Push-ups x 15
Squats x 20
Max rounds in 20 minutes

Dumbbell snatch x 10 (5 each arm)
Push-ups x 15
Squats x 20
Max rounds in 20 minutes

Friday, May 1, 2009


Remember to push those hips back first and let the knees follow. Push through the heels and keep the chest up.

Squats 5x3
Turkish sit-ups 3x10 (5 each arm)

Pistols 5x3
Turkish sit-ups 3x10 (5 each arm)

Chuck V. breaking the world squat record at 242 lbs bodyweight.