It is the most popular excuse in the history of people making excuses to not workout. "I have no time" honestly I know this is the truth some of the time, life gets in the way a lot of times, however with some planning a quality workout can be done. For the busy but still dedicated to train, early morning is prime time for these folks. Hauling yourself out of bed at 0430 or 0500 sounds tough at first but that's all part of the process. The streets and gyms will certainly be empty and no where near as busy as the evening. Training early morning is better than coffee at waking up the body and mind and some heavy duty mental toughness will be built with the early wake up call. The metabolism will be fired up all day for fat burning and there will be no later workout to stress about fitting in or talking yourself out of. The days and evenings will be free and your health and fitness will still be increasing.
Session 1:
Press 3x5
75 push-ups
Rest 5 minutes
30 dumbbell clean and jerks
Session 2:
Squat 3x5
Dumbbell Romanian deadlft 3x12
Rest 5 minutes
15 box jumps
10 swings
3 rounds ASAP
Session 3:
Bench press 3x5
40 weighted body rows
Rest 5 minutes
30 seconds jump rope
30 seconds climbers
30 seconds squat thrusts
30 seconds jump rope
30 seconds climbers
30 seconds squat thrusts
Rest 1 minute
5 rounds
Iron Mike
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Throw the scale away
I'm going to be updating the blog differently now in an effort to be more timely. Instead of daily I'm going to be updating once a week. The training will be listed as Session 1, Session 2, and Session 3. The training is done on nonconsecutive days i.e. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. As always I go through the order of modalities I feel is the most important for my client, Strength, Accessory, conditioning.
As the title says up top I encourage my clients to stay away from the scale while working to lose fat. The problem with the scale is it only shows the total amount of body weight on a person. There is no breakdown on fat, muscle, and blood numbers. So my client will be in fact losing fat weekly, they will also be gaining muscle and increasing performance. The scale simply does not reflect these facts.
Session 1
Squat 3x5
50 total tire flips
Session 2
Bench press 3x5
35 body rows with weight added
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata jump rope
Tabata squats
Session 3
Deadlift 3x5
Rest 5 minutes
5 dumbbell snatches each arm
5 dumbbell swings each arm
10 squat thrust
Rest 1 minute
5 rounds
Favres's corner:
It was a deload week so nothing exciting at all with the exception of the massive eating PR's because of Thanksgiving. With all the food that was cooked on Thursday and the leftovers still in the fridge it brings a valid point to my mind. If I were to take a day or even half a day a week and cook a huge chunk of meat, the family and I would be fully prepared to eat well for most of the week. With how busy we get with work and the girls and the holidays looming, this is a winning strategy.
As the title says up top I encourage my clients to stay away from the scale while working to lose fat. The problem with the scale is it only shows the total amount of body weight on a person. There is no breakdown on fat, muscle, and blood numbers. So my client will be in fact losing fat weekly, they will also be gaining muscle and increasing performance. The scale simply does not reflect these facts.
Session 1
Squat 3x5
50 total tire flips
Session 2
Bench press 3x5
35 body rows with weight added
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata jump rope
Tabata squats
Session 3
Deadlift 3x5
Rest 5 minutes
5 dumbbell snatches each arm
5 dumbbell swings each arm
10 squat thrust
Rest 1 minute
5 rounds
Favres's corner:
It was a deload week so nothing exciting at all with the exception of the massive eating PR's because of Thanksgiving. With all the food that was cooked on Thursday and the leftovers still in the fridge it brings a valid point to my mind. If I were to take a day or even half a day a week and cook a huge chunk of meat, the family and I would be fully prepared to eat well for most of the week. With how busy we get with work and the girls and the holidays looming, this is a winning strategy.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Cues to remember and yell out to people as they bench: Big air! Push through your heels! Stay tight! Big air! Squeeze! Big air!
Bench press 3x5
30 body rows with weight added
Rest 5 minutes
100 squat thrusts
I have a special place in my heart for throwers
Favre's corner:
Working up to 95% for reps is always good fun, especially when it feels smooth and fairly fast. This brings up a point that eludes most people and it's the fact that you cannot lift a heavy slowly. Now if its a heavy lift i.e 90% and higher, then it will look slow. However the amount of force being generated is huge and the human body is working to move said weight as fast as possible. This is why power is important along with strength development. Muscle is also important so I did a big number of reps to blow up my upper body. Finished of with a vomit inducing barbell complex that, thank the lord, will not be done the rest of this cycle.
All pure gold
Bench press 3x5
30 body rows with weight added
Rest 5 minutes
100 squat thrusts
I have a special place in my heart for throwers
Favre's corner:
Working up to 95% for reps is always good fun, especially when it feels smooth and fairly fast. This brings up a point that eludes most people and it's the fact that you cannot lift a heavy slowly. Now if its a heavy lift i.e 90% and higher, then it will look slow. However the amount of force being generated is huge and the human body is working to move said weight as fast as possible. This is why power is important along with strength development. Muscle is also important so I did a big number of reps to blow up my upper body. Finished of with a vomit inducing barbell complex that, thank the lord, will not be done the rest of this cycle.
All pure gold
Friday, November 12, 2010
My favorite full body movement is the tire flip. The tire flip works every muscle from neck to the calves. Another great aspect of the tire flip is the aggressiveness it builds in clients. In order to be successful, especially with my big tires, the client must start driving and lifting hard to get the tire over. The faster, more aggressive they are, the faster the tire flips.
Squat 3x5
Tire flip x 3
Swings x 9
Rest 1 minute
6 rounds
Just keep driving
Favre's corner:
Squatting low reps now to bang out high reps later, and I'm talking HIGH reps, as in it will take 2 weeks to recover from when the plan is put into action. Power cleans to keep my vert high and then many, many reps for the quads and pork chords.
I always knew this is what happened at slumber parties.
Squat 3x5
Tire flip x 3
Swings x 9
Rest 1 minute
6 rounds
Just keep driving
Favre's corner:
Squatting low reps now to bang out high reps later, and I'm talking HIGH reps, as in it will take 2 weeks to recover from when the plan is put into action. Power cleans to keep my vert high and then many, many reps for the quads and pork chords.
I always knew this is what happened at slumber parties.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
When performing a press the legs do not move to assist the lift. If the legs are needed then lower the weight and work back up the correct way.
Press 3x5
Body rows 55 reps
Rest 5 minutes
100 meter run
18 swings
100 meter run
16 swings
100 meter run
14 swings
100 meter run
12 swings
100 meter run
10 swings
Favre's corner:
More pull-ups and back work to help block the wind that I'm sure will show up when the weather gets bad. Finished up with some power shrugs in the rack. People give all kinds of reasons for doing power shrugs but I have only one, to get huge traps.
BIG AIR!! You only hear that about 100 times in my gym.
Press 3x5
Body rows 55 reps
Rest 5 minutes
100 meter run
18 swings
100 meter run
16 swings
100 meter run
14 swings
100 meter run
12 swings
100 meter run
10 swings
Favre's corner:
More pull-ups and back work to help block the wind that I'm sure will show up when the weather gets bad. Finished up with some power shrugs in the rack. People give all kinds of reasons for doing power shrugs but I have only one, to get huge traps.
BIG AIR!! You only hear that about 100 times in my gym.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Strength is the General and muscle is the troops, the war is won when everyone works as a team. Our body is meant to work as a single unit so we build that strength and muscle with compound, multi-joint movements. Not sure what conditioning is, I suppose support staff or as they are called in the military "rear echelon fucks".
Deadlift 1x5
Lunges 2x45 seconds
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata dumbbell snatches (switch arms every round and do not put the dumbbell down)
Tabata jump rope
Favre's corner:
I'm getting a crazy idea for a squat challenge sometime this winter, more to follow.
More badass yoke
Deadlift 1x5
Lunges 2x45 seconds
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata dumbbell snatches (switch arms every round and do not put the dumbbell down)
Tabata jump rope
Favre's corner:
I'm getting a crazy idea for a squat challenge sometime this winter, more to follow.
More badass yoke
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
“Ask any athlete: We all hurt at times. I'm asking my body to go through seven different tasks. To ask it not to ache would be too much.”
Jackie Joyner-Kersee
Bench press 3x5
85 push-ups
Rest 5 minutes
30 seconds squat thrusts
1 minute swings (30 seconds each arm)
30 seconds squat thrusts
Rest 1 minute
5 rounds
Favre's corner:
Monday is national bench press day and I am no exception to this rule. Got under some heavy weight, got my big air, got tight,and blasted the bar through the ceiling. I like assistance work so I did about 250 reps for my back and triceps and the ever important yokeage. Although I dread a high rep barbell complex after the main training session, it's still mandatory in my gym. Feeling my lungs burst and then my forearms blow up shortly after left me in a calm afterglow.
Jackie Joyner-Kersee
Bench press 3x5
85 push-ups
Rest 5 minutes
30 seconds squat thrusts
1 minute swings (30 seconds each arm)
30 seconds squat thrusts
Rest 1 minute
5 rounds
Favre's corner:
Monday is national bench press day and I am no exception to this rule. Got under some heavy weight, got my big air, got tight,and blasted the bar through the ceiling. I like assistance work so I did about 250 reps for my back and triceps and the ever important yokeage. Although I dread a high rep barbell complex after the main training session, it's still mandatory in my gym. Feeling my lungs burst and then my forearms blow up shortly after left me in a calm afterglow.
Friday, October 29, 2010
“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” Jesse Owens
Squat 3x5
V-ups x20
Hip-ups x20
Chinnies x30 total
Perform this circuit twice
Rest 5 minutes
100 meter run
8 swings
8 dumbbell snatches (4 per arm)
6 rounds ASAP
Favre's Corner:
I train pull-ups hard because everything else improves when my pull-ups are strong. Then I did thousands of reps for my back shoulders and arms and, I know it's exciting to read about, but I ran like the wind yet again after lift'n.
Here are a few things that are true about me but people tend not to believe;
1) I am 30 years old
2) I weigh almost 200 lbs, people estimate me weighing much less for reasons unknown to me.
3) I actually run, the Air Force requires it, so I do it. Still don't like it.
4) I do not do and do not train my clients using Crossfit methodology. Training at high intensity with various protocols does not mean it's Crossfit or that Crossfit invented it.
5) Yes I drank a gallon of whole milk a day for over 3 months to gain weight. I went from 165 lbs to 218 lbs and drank well over 90 gallons of milk.
6) I only train 3 days a week due to my work schedule and I program accordingly.
7) I like musicals
Squat 3x5
V-ups x20
Hip-ups x20
Chinnies x30 total
Perform this circuit twice
Rest 5 minutes
100 meter run
8 swings
8 dumbbell snatches (4 per arm)
6 rounds ASAP
Favre's Corner:
I train pull-ups hard because everything else improves when my pull-ups are strong. Then I did thousands of reps for my back shoulders and arms and, I know it's exciting to read about, but I ran like the wind yet again after lift'n.
Here are a few things that are true about me but people tend not to believe;
1) I am 30 years old
2) I weigh almost 200 lbs, people estimate me weighing much less for reasons unknown to me.
3) I actually run, the Air Force requires it, so I do it. Still don't like it.
4) I do not do and do not train my clients using Crossfit methodology. Training at high intensity with various protocols does not mean it's Crossfit or that Crossfit invented it.
5) Yes I drank a gallon of whole milk a day for over 3 months to gain weight. I went from 165 lbs to 218 lbs and drank well over 90 gallons of milk.
6) I only train 3 days a week due to my work schedule and I program accordingly.
7) I like musicals
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The strength numbers keep increasing as the temperature is falling, not to worry we always do work in my gym. No matter the weather.
Press 3x5
Rows 75 reps
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata jump rope
20 seconds of work then 10 seconds of rest
10 rounds
I like it
Favre's corner:
Power cleans started the afternoon off to warm up and continue down the road of yokitude. I'm growing my traps and upper back so big then when I jump up and down the muscle bounces like a pair of double D's. This also provides a nice big surface to rest a barbell for the heavy, high rep squats that are mandatory when the weather gets cold. 3 sets of goodmornings sealed the deal for trying to sit down for the next couple of days pain free. Then pounding the pavement, knit hat and old sweatshirt Rocky style.
Press 3x5
Rows 75 reps
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata jump rope
20 seconds of work then 10 seconds of rest
10 rounds
I like it
Favre's corner:
Power cleans started the afternoon off to warm up and continue down the road of yokitude. I'm growing my traps and upper back so big then when I jump up and down the muscle bounces like a pair of double D's. This also provides a nice big surface to rest a barbell for the heavy, high rep squats that are mandatory when the weather gets cold. 3 sets of goodmornings sealed the deal for trying to sit down for the next couple of days pain free. Then pounding the pavement, knit hat and old sweatshirt Rocky style.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
•“A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time – pills or stairs.” ~ Joan Welsh
Unfortunately the United States is the most medicated country in the world. No matter what the infomercial says we cannot get fitter and healthier using gadgets and taking pills. It takes consistent hard work and discipline.
Deadlift 3x5
Shoulder touch planks 3x12 each shoulder
Rest 5 minutes
The following is done with 2 dumbbells
Front squat
Clean + press
Squat jump (use only 1 dumbbell here)
Rest 1 minute
Reps are 6,7,8,9,10
Favre's corner:
Heavy benching for the brochacho's today followed by high rep body rows. I like to feel stable while pressing and having a back that doubles as a wide screen certainly helps. Dumbbell shrugs for the yoke because I've had enough of having a neck. My 2 gymnast daughters have been building a nice thick neck and upper back and I'm so proud. I didn't like the idea of being able to grab a cup after training so a barbell complex finished things off and my bowling pins were pumped and useless afterward.
The yoke is strong with them
Unfortunately the United States is the most medicated country in the world. No matter what the infomercial says we cannot get fitter and healthier using gadgets and taking pills. It takes consistent hard work and discipline.
Deadlift 3x5
Shoulder touch planks 3x12 each shoulder
Rest 5 minutes
The following is done with 2 dumbbells
Front squat
Clean + press
Squat jump (use only 1 dumbbell here)
Rest 1 minute
Reps are 6,7,8,9,10
Favre's corner:
Heavy benching for the brochacho's today followed by high rep body rows. I like to feel stable while pressing and having a back that doubles as a wide screen certainly helps. Dumbbell shrugs for the yoke because I've had enough of having a neck. My 2 gymnast daughters have been building a nice thick neck and upper back and I'm so proud. I didn't like the idea of being able to grab a cup after training so a barbell complex finished things off and my bowling pins were pumped and useless afterward.
The yoke is strong with them
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Nothing has helped more to get my clients press stronger than bench pressing. More weight is used, increasing the strength of the triceps and shoulders resulting in a great carry over to the press. These two strength movements compliment each other nicely.
Bench press 3x5
75 push-ups
Rest 5 minutes
Jump rope
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds
Then each again for 45 seconds
Then again for 30 seconds
Then lastly for 15 seconds
Favre's corner:
The last workout of the week is always about reps for the upper body. I like to feel blown up going into the weekend so I jack up the reps into the 20-25 range for a massive pump in my shoulders, barn doors and horse shoes. Arnold was right, the pump is awesome.
High reps squats, you lift the first 10 with your body and after that Jesus starts to whisper in your ear.
Jon Pall, not a viking, THE viking.
Bench press 3x5
75 push-ups
Rest 5 minutes
Jump rope
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds
Then each again for 45 seconds
Then again for 30 seconds
Then lastly for 15 seconds
Favre's corner:
The last workout of the week is always about reps for the upper body. I like to feel blown up going into the weekend so I jack up the reps into the 20-25 range for a massive pump in my shoulders, barn doors and horse shoes. Arnold was right, the pump is awesome.
High reps squats, you lift the first 10 with your body and after that Jesus starts to whisper in your ear.
Jon Pall, not a viking, THE viking.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby
Squat 3x5
Dumbbell Romanian deadlift 2x15
Rest 5 minutes
100 meter run
10 burpees
5 rounds ASAP
Favre's corner
Squats are always in order in my book and I go big or bigger, mainly cause I am already home, chew on that for a second. I really enjoy the feeling of trying to pull jeans over my legs only to find I need a belt around my waist. Always heavy so when I look down I can't see my knees and from the back those ham hocks pop right out. More pavement pounding till this PT test is blown outta the water and then it's a winter of GFH.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Physical training is meant to be hard, it is meant to stress the body and mind to cause an adaption to occur to grow stronger and fitter. If a training routine is normally easy and care free then it will not be effective.
Press 3x5
Body rows 50 reps
Rest 5 minutes
Dumbbell front squat
Dumbbell swings
Dumbbell clean and press
Dumbbell squat jump
1 minute rest
Reps are 7,8,9,10
Everything for 7 reps, rest everything for 8 reps rest until done
This is also done with 2 dumbbells with the exception of the jumps, just use 1 here
Favre's corner:
This will be my little corner of this blog of what I do in my own words.
I'm still riding the deload train all the way to next week. Today I did some pressing on a bench, some people who want to sound old school call it the supine press, I don't lay on a supine I lay on a bench. After working the barrel I starting on the horse shoes and then the barn doors on my back. I finished up by pounding the pavement, the Air Force wants me good at pounding pavement so I train it hard.
Press 3x5
Body rows 50 reps
Rest 5 minutes
Dumbbell front squat
Dumbbell swings
Dumbbell clean and press
Dumbbell squat jump
1 minute rest
Reps are 7,8,9,10
Everything for 7 reps, rest everything for 8 reps rest until done
This is also done with 2 dumbbells with the exception of the jumps, just use 1 here
Favre's corner:
This will be my little corner of this blog of what I do in my own words.
I'm still riding the deload train all the way to next week. Today I did some pressing on a bench, some people who want to sound old school call it the supine press, I don't lay on a supine I lay on a bench. After working the barrel I starting on the horse shoes and then the barn doors on my back. I finished up by pounding the pavement, the Air Force wants me good at pounding pavement so I train it hard.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
There was a severe lack of updates due to my computer crashing, but it's fixed and ready to rock starting Tuesday.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
In honor of breast cancer awareness month the blog will remain pink. Save the TA-TA's!
Squat 3x5
Perform the following circuit twice
V-ups x 15
Hip-ups x 15
Alternating toe touches x 10 each foot
Rest 5 minutes
30 seconds swings
30 seconds squat thrusts
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds swings
30 seconds squat thrusts
30 seconds mountain climbers
60 seconds rest
3 rounds
Squat 3x5
Perform the following circuit twice
V-ups x 15
Hip-ups x 15
Alternating toe touches x 10 each foot
Rest 5 minutes
30 seconds swings
30 seconds squat thrusts
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds swings
30 seconds squat thrusts
30 seconds mountain climbers
60 seconds rest
3 rounds
Thursday, September 30, 2010
If there is trouble eating healthy throughout the week then a good strategy is to plan and prepare meals ahead of time. When healthy food is available then the chances of poor eating choices will not be so tempting.
Press 3x5
Push-ups 2x max reps
Rows 2x max reps
Rest 5 minutes
400 meter run
10 dumbbell thrusters
3 rounds
For time
Press 3x5
Push-ups 2x max reps
Rows 2x max reps
Rest 5 minutes
400 meter run
10 dumbbell thrusters
3 rounds
For time
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
On the road to fat loss? Then the only zero calorie drinks, with the exception of protein shakes, should be passing your lips. Water, herbal unsweetened teas and black coffee are fine. sodas, Gatorade and any other calorie containing drinks will take you in the wrong direction for fat loss.
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 3x30 seconds
Plank 3x45 seconds
Rest 5 minutes
Zercher complex
Zercher squat
Clean and press
Romanian deadlift
Bent row
Rest 1 minute
I love arm wrestling
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 3x30 seconds
Plank 3x45 seconds
Rest 5 minutes
Zercher complex
Zercher squat
Clean and press
Romanian deadlift
Bent row
Rest 1 minute
I love arm wrestling
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The best training program for someone is the program they will consistently do. For a beginner any style of program works for awhile, the reason is that any additional activity over the previous sedentary lifestyle will yield results. Some programs work much better than others but I still encourage people just to get up and start something. Where to move onto after that is easy to figure out with the correct knowledge.
Bench press 3x5
Push-ups 4 x quality reps
Body rows 4 x quality reps
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata jump rope
Tabata swings
Bench press 3x5
Push-ups 4 x quality reps
Body rows 4 x quality reps
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata jump rope
Tabata swings
Friday, September 24, 2010
The best hours of sleep are those before midnight.
Squat 3x5
Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts 3x8
Shoulder touch planks 3x8 each shoulder
Rest 5 minutes
5 dumbbell snatches each arm
5 dumbbell swings each arm
10 burpees
Rest 1 minute
5 rounds
Squat 3x5
Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts 3x8
Shoulder touch planks 3x8 each shoulder
Rest 5 minutes
5 dumbbell snatches each arm
5 dumbbell swings each arm
10 burpees
Rest 1 minute
5 rounds
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Back in the 1970s, I ate a high-protein diet to get bigger and stronger. As a senior at Utah State, I weighed 218 pounds with eight percent body fat, and threw the discus over 190 feet.
Then I got some advice from the people at the Olympic Training Center. I needed carbs, they advised, and lots of them. They pointed to studies done on the American distance runners. Being an idiot, I took the advice to eat like emaciated, over-trained sub-performers. It took years of high carbohydrate grazing to learn the evils of this advice.
Dan John
Press 3x5
Push-ups 2 x max reps
Body rows 2 x max reps
Rest 5 minutes
Zercher squats
Zercher lunges
Clean and press
Romanian deadlift
Bent rows
Rest 60 seconds
Reps are 10, 8, 6
Then I got some advice from the people at the Olympic Training Center. I needed carbs, they advised, and lots of them. They pointed to studies done on the American distance runners. Being an idiot, I took the advice to eat like emaciated, over-trained sub-performers. It took years of high carbohydrate grazing to learn the evils of this advice.
Dan John
Press 3x5
Push-ups 2 x max reps
Body rows 2 x max reps
Rest 5 minutes
Zercher squats
Zercher lunges
Clean and press
Romanian deadlift
Bent rows
Rest 60 seconds
Reps are 10, 8, 6
Friday, September 17, 2010
If you want to do curls then make them thick bar curls. Using a 2 inch bar stresses the grip and forearms much more during the curl.
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 2x30 seconds
Do 2 circuits of the following
V-ups x15
Hip-ups x15
Alternate toes touches x12
Rest 1 minute
Rest 5 minutes
400 meter run
5 dumbbell swings each arm
5 dumbbell snatches each arm
3 rounds for time
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 2x30 seconds
Do 2 circuits of the following
V-ups x15
Hip-ups x15
Alternate toes touches x12
Rest 1 minute
Rest 5 minutes
400 meter run
5 dumbbell swings each arm
5 dumbbell snatches each arm
3 rounds for time
Monday, September 13, 2010
When taking a loaded bar from a rack or the ground, do so with some authority. Get set-up properly, lock in the deep breath of air and move that weight like you own it.
Squat 3x5
Stability ball hamstring curls 3x12
Plank 3x45 seconds
Rest 5 minutes
Zercher squat
Zercher lunge
Clean and press
Bent row
60 seconds rest between sets
Our hero here is not performing a zercher squat correctly
Squat 3x5
Stability ball hamstring curls 3x12
Plank 3x45 seconds
Rest 5 minutes
Zercher squat
Zercher lunge
Clean and press
Bent row
60 seconds rest between sets
Our hero here is not performing a zercher squat correctly
Sunday, September 12, 2010
“If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.”
Bruce Lee
Press 3x5
Push-ups 2x max reps
Body rows 2x max reps
Rest 5 minutes
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
60 seconds rest
4 rounds
Bruce Lee
Press 3x5
Push-ups 2x max reps
Body rows 2x max reps
Rest 5 minutes
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
60 seconds rest
4 rounds
Friday, September 10, 2010
It is exercise alone that supports the spirits, and keeps the mind in vigor. ~Marcus Tullius Cicero
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 2x20seconds
V-ups x10
Hip-ups x10
Alternate toe touches x8 each side
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata jump rope
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest
10 rounds
Longs Peak Irish/Scottish festival is this weekend
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 2x20seconds
V-ups x10
Hip-ups x10
Alternate toe touches x8 each side
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata jump rope
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest
10 rounds
Longs Peak Irish/Scottish festival is this weekend
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live.
Bench press 3x5
Push-ups 4x quality set
Body tows 4x quality set
Rest 5 minutes
Barbell complex:
Zercher squat
Zercher reverse lunges
Zercher clean and press
Zercher Romanian deadlifts
Zercher rows
Descending sets 10, 8 ,9
60 seconds rest
Bench press 3x5
Push-ups 4x quality set
Body tows 4x quality set
Rest 5 minutes
Barbell complex:
Zercher squat
Zercher reverse lunges
Zercher clean and press
Zercher Romanian deadlifts
Zercher rows
Descending sets 10, 8 ,9
60 seconds rest
Friday, September 3, 2010
"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save and preserve it." - Plato (350 BC)
Squat 3x5
Stability ball hamstring curls 3x12
Plank 3x30 seconds
Rest 5 minutes
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
60 seconds rest
3 rounds
Squat 3x5
Stability ball hamstring curls 3x12
Plank 3x30 seconds
Rest 5 minutes
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
60 seconds rest
3 rounds
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
A jump rope is a very cheap and effective tool for conditioning that is used by pros and the world's elite athletes. Its hard not to get frustrated when learning to use this tool but the pay off in the long run is well worth the effort.
Press 3x5
Push-ups 2x max reps
Body rows 2x max reps
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata style jump rope
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest
8 rounds
Press 3x5
Push-ups 2x max reps
Body rows 2x max reps
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata style jump rope
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest
8 rounds
Monday, August 30, 2010
"If you don’t know where you’re going how do you expect to get there ?" Unknown.
Goals, they should be written down and looked at daily.
Deadlift 3x5
Tire flip 2x8
Lunges 2x8
Rest 5 minutes
Barbell complex
10x deadlift
10x bent row
10x power clean
10x push-press
10x back squat
Rest 1 minute
4 rounds
Goals, they should be written down and looked at daily.
Deadlift 3x5
Tire flip 2x8
Lunges 2x8
Rest 5 minutes
Barbell complex
10x deadlift
10x bent row
10x power clean
10x push-press
10x back squat
Rest 1 minute
4 rounds
Saturday, August 28, 2010
With all it's variations and applications, the push-up is one of the top 3 foundational movements. It is not just a chest, triceps, and shoulder exercise but a very effective core strengthener as well. A proper push-up requires that a straight line be drawn from the ankles all the way through the shoulders throughout the full range of motion. The hips must rise with the shoulders and a sagging lower back is an indicator of a weak core. Many components of fitness can be trained with the push-up: strength endurance (basic push-up with a high rep set), Strength (1 arm push-up or feet elevated 1 arm push-up), and explosive strength (plyometric or "clapping" push-up) In all forms ensure there is a full range of movement i.e. chest brushing the ground and straight arms at the top.
Bench press 3x5
Bar push-up 4x quality set
Body rows 4 quality set
Rest 5 minutes20x mountain climbers
15x push-ups
10x burps
5x burpees
6 rounds
For time
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Squat 3x5
Good mornings 3x12
Seated plate twists 3x15
Rest 5 minutes
1600 meter run
For time
Mahatma Gandhi
Squat 3x5
Good mornings 3x12
Seated plate twists 3x15
Rest 5 minutes
1600 meter run
For time
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
In this modern age of computers many more people are suffering from arthritis and carpel tunnel syndrome. Strengthening the arms, forearms, wrists and hands can help heal and prevent these conditions. Holding onto a barbell during a complex where dynamic movement is happening will work the above areas along with the supporting tendons and ligaments. And as we have seen before a barbell or dumbbell complex is a great conditioning tool. As always we are looking to work multiple aspects of fitness efficiently and effectively.
Press 3x5
Push-ups 4x quality set
Body rows 4x quality set
Rest 5 minutes
Barbell complex:
10x deadlift
10x bent row
10x hang power clean
10x push press
10x back squat
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds
Press 3x5
Push-ups 4x quality set
Body rows 4x quality set
Rest 5 minutes
Barbell complex:
10x deadlift
10x bent row
10x hang power clean
10x push press
10x back squat
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I will consider myself extremely lucky to be this active and in such great shape in my 70's. And for the internet warriors out there, sure some of their range of motion is short but it doesn't matter, just the fact they are still training in that style at their age is inspirational.
Deadlift 3x5
Tire flips 4x6
Lunges 4x6 each leg
Rest 5 minutes
20x mountain climbers
15x push-ups
10x burps
5x burpees
5 rounds
For time
Deadlift 3x5
Tire flips 4x6
Lunges 4x6 each leg
Rest 5 minutes
20x mountain climbers
15x push-ups
10x burps
5x burpees
5 rounds
For time
Thursday, August 19, 2010
If fat loss is the goal then a quality low carb diet is a must. No matter how great a training program is, it will not overcome a bad diet.
Bench press 3x5
Push-ups 4 x a quality set
Body rows 4 x a quality set
Rest 5-10 minutes
1200 meter run
For time
Bench press 3x5
Push-ups 4 x a quality set
Body rows 4 x a quality set
Rest 5-10 minutes
1200 meter run
For time
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Why conditioning after lifting? During lifting our bodies start burning fuel as we work out, this fuel being used is basically glucose and other substrate. When it comes time to do the conditioning portion all that glucose and substrate will be very depleted. So for fuel, the body will turn to fat to burn. Also if we condition prior to lifting we will not be able to exert maximum power or strength and this flies in the face of why we lift heavy.
Squat 3x5
Good mornings 3x10
Seated plate twists 3x10 both sides
Rest 5-10 minutes
10x goblet squats
10x swings
10x clean and press (each arm)
10x squat jumps
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds
Mikhail Koklyaev doing some amazing things
Squat 3x5
Good mornings 3x10
Seated plate twists 3x10 both sides
Rest 5-10 minutes
10x goblet squats
10x swings
10x clean and press (each arm)
10x squat jumps
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds
Mikhail Koklyaev doing some amazing things
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Strong backs
All big benchers and presser's have strong, muscled backs. The back works to stabilize the entire body as the pushing muscles work to press the weight. We can always press much more from a stable surface and a strong back provides this platform.
Press 3x5
Body rows 4x15
Rest 5-10 minutes
Mountain climbers x 20
Push-ups x 15
Burps x 10
Burpees x 5
4 rounds fast as possible
Press 3x5
Body rows 4x15
Rest 5-10 minutes
Mountain climbers x 20
Push-ups x 15
Burps x 10
Burpees x 5
4 rounds fast as possible
Friday, August 13, 2010
Back at it
Helpful info for those looking to follow this new cycle of training, for the first month my clients will be using a basic linear progression on all the basic barbell lifts i.e. Squats, press, deadlift, and bench press. So we will be adding anywhere from 1 pound to 5 pounds each session they get under the bar. The conditioning portion will also be incrementally increased each workout, slowly building the intensity over the course of 4 weeks. we will work for 4 weeks and then go with a 1 week deload and then start new on the 6th week.
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 4x6 each leg
Sit-ups 4x14
Rest 5-10 minutes
800 meter run
For time
Start off with using just your body weight, lunges make you sore.
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 4x6 each leg
Sit-ups 4x14
Rest 5-10 minutes
800 meter run
For time
Start off with using just your body weight, lunges make you sore.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Health is the optimal functioning of our organs and fitness is the ability to perform a task. There it is, two definitions that many people make into a very complicated mess. Your pancreas should do whatever it is a pancreas should be doing and fitness is task based. Health and fitness are not measured on the same scale.
Squat 3x5
Weighted sit-ups 4x10-15 reps
Goodmornings 4x10-15 reps
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
Squat 3x5
Weighted sit-ups 4x10-15 reps
Goodmornings 4x10-15 reps
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Wednesday and Friday
Wednesday's training would have been Deadlift for 3x5 and Friday would have been bench for 3x5 with accessory work done the same as the past.
A word now on programs that claim to prepare the athlete for "anything". No one can write a exercise regimen to prepare people for anything that life throws at them, it's actually starting to get irritating to claim they can. For one its rather meaningless to try to train that way because what would you do, mix workouts with skills like repairing a car and pull-ups? Baking biscuits and running? See where this is going, there's no point. However by following this blog a very strong base of general strength and conditioning will be built and this can be applied to work, play and life. We have won wars, police and firefighters have effectively done their jobs by training generally and then practicing the skills for their jobs to prepare for the worst. Other trainers have said that by separating strength and conditioning we are building a segmented capacity for each i.e. our bodies won't be able to combine the two if a situation arises that the two would be needed at the same time. This is completely wrong, our bodies are not dumb and will do whats necessary to survive and win.
Being in excellent shape is the support system for these agents. Their core skills of shooting, moving and effectively working as a team is what's going to bring these boys home.
A word now on programs that claim to prepare the athlete for "anything". No one can write a exercise regimen to prepare people for anything that life throws at them, it's actually starting to get irritating to claim they can. For one its rather meaningless to try to train that way because what would you do, mix workouts with skills like repairing a car and pull-ups? Baking biscuits and running? See where this is going, there's no point. However by following this blog a very strong base of general strength and conditioning will be built and this can be applied to work, play and life. We have won wars, police and firefighters have effectively done their jobs by training generally and then practicing the skills for their jobs to prepare for the worst. Other trainers have said that by separating strength and conditioning we are building a segmented capacity for each i.e. our bodies won't be able to combine the two if a situation arises that the two would be needed at the same time. This is completely wrong, our bodies are not dumb and will do whats necessary to survive and win.
Being in excellent shape is the support system for these agents. Their core skills of shooting, moving and effectively working as a team is what's going to bring these boys home.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive.
Press 3x5
Pull-ups 4x10-12
push-ups 4x20-25
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
For time
Press 3x5
Pull-ups 4x10-12
push-ups 4x20-25
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
For time
Saturday, June 5, 2010
For this weeks lifting portion of the workout the weights will need to be lowered to allow a deload of intensity and rest. The sets will go as follows set 1: 40% of the weight lifted last, set 2: 50% weight lifted, set 3: 60 % weight lifted. This will be for the entire week of the strength portion. It will feel light but enjoy it.
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
2x400 meter interval run
2 minutes rest between intervals
Sly looking pretty awesome for being 62.
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
2x400 meter interval run
2 minutes rest between intervals
Sly looking pretty awesome for being 62.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The beefy dude at the far right is Jim Wendler, a leading strength and conditioning coach in the country, he deloads and so should you. The rest allows recovery and adaption to occur for greater strengths during the next 3 week cycle.
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 2x10
Rest 5-10 minutes
Barbell complex
power clean x 5
front squat x 5
push-press x 5
Romanian deadlift x 5
Bent row x 5
1 round
Monday, May 31, 2010
For this weeks lifting portion of the workout the weights will need to be lowered to allow a deload of intensity and rest. The sets will go as follows set 1: 40% of the weight lifted last, set 2: 50% weight lifted, set 3: 60 % weight lifted. This will be for the entire week of the strength portion. It will feel light but enjoy it.
Press 3x5
Dumbbell over head press 2x10
Pull-ups 2x10
Rest 5-10 minutes
1 mile run
Press 3x5
Dumbbell over head press 2x10
Pull-ups 2x10
Rest 5-10 minutes
1 mile run
Friday, May 28, 2010
I was indisposed on Wednesday and could not post, however if you are following the training then Bench would have been done with 5x3x1 reps and then the appropriate accessory movements and then light conditioning afterwards.
Squat 5x3x1
Weighted sit-ups 4x10-12 resp
Good mornings 4x10-12 reps
Rest 5-10 minutes
3x400 meter sprints
2 minutes rest between each sprint
Squat 5x3x1
Weighted sit-ups 4x10-12 resp
Good mornings 4x10-12 reps
Rest 5-10 minutes
3x400 meter sprints
2 minutes rest between each sprint
Sunday, May 23, 2010
A word on the 400 meter intervals. These are meant to be run hard the entire distance and the 2 minute rest should allow for near complete recovery. The rest will allow each interval to be done very intensely, every time. These intervals will stoke the furnace for burning fat.
Deadlift 5x3x1
Weighted sit-ups 4x10-12
Lunges 4x6-8 per leg
Rest 5-10 minutes
Barbell complex
power clean x 5
front squat x 5
push-press x 5
Romanian deadlift x 5
Bent row x 5
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds
Deadlift 5x3x1
Weighted sit-ups 4x10-12
Lunges 4x6-8 per leg
Rest 5-10 minutes
Barbell complex
power clean x 5
front squat x 5
push-press x 5
Romanian deadlift x 5
Bent row x 5
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds
Friday, May 21, 2010
We were born small and weak but nobody said we had to stay that way.
Press 5x3x1
pull-ups 4x10-12
push-ups 4x25
Rest 5-10 minutes
5x400 meter sprints
2 minutes rest in between intervals
What gym class should look like in every school.
Press 5x3x1
pull-ups 4x10-12
push-ups 4x25
Rest 5-10 minutes
5x400 meter sprints
2 minutes rest in between intervals
What gym class should look like in every school.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
If it's important do it everyday, if it's not don't do it at all.
Dan Gable
Squat 3x3
Weighted sit-ups 4x10-12
Good mornings 4x10-12
Rest 5-10 minutes
50 double-unders
5 dumbbell snatches per arm
40 double-unders
4 dumbbell snatches per arm
30 double-unders
3 dumbbell snatches per arm
20 double-unders
2 dumbbell snatches per arm
10 double-unders
1 dumbbell snatches per arm
If you can't do double-unders triple the number for single jumps.
Dan Gable
Squat 3x3
Weighted sit-ups 4x10-12
Good mornings 4x10-12
Rest 5-10 minutes
50 double-unders
5 dumbbell snatches per arm
40 double-unders
4 dumbbell snatches per arm
30 double-unders
3 dumbbell snatches per arm
20 double-unders
2 dumbbell snatches per arm
10 double-unders
1 dumbbell snatches per arm
If you can't do double-unders triple the number for single jumps.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Adventure isn't hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude that we must apply To the day to day obstacles of life - Facing new challenges, seizing new opportunities, Testing our resources against the unknown and in the process, Discovering our own unique potentional.
John Amatt
Bench press 3x3
pull-ups 4x10-12
Dumbbell over head press 4x10-12
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
For time
Can't do pull-ups? Do body rows.
John Amatt
Bench press 3x3
pull-ups 4x10-12
Dumbbell over head press 4x10-12
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
For time
Can't do pull-ups? Do body rows.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The journey is the reward.
Chinese Proverb
Deadlift 3x3
Weighted sit-ups 4x10-15
Lunges 4x6-8 per leg
Rest 5-10 minutes
4x400 meter sprints
Rest 2 minutes between intervals
Just a couple examples of how to perform a standing or seated goodmorning. Start light, I've had very good results with only 135 lbs.
Chinese Proverb
Deadlift 3x3
Weighted sit-ups 4x10-15
Lunges 4x6-8 per leg
Rest 5-10 minutes
4x400 meter sprints
Rest 2 minutes between intervals
Just a couple examples of how to perform a standing or seated goodmorning. Start light, I've had very good results with only 135 lbs.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

With this blog I have provided a very good amount of quality training information free to anyone who happens along this site. However the results are up to you. It is your dedication and discipline that will drive the performance or body composition results. I will continue with the training and info, the rest is up to you.
Press 3x3
Pull-ups 4x10-12
push-ups 4x20-25
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
For time
For the accessory pushing exercise a variety of movements can be used such as dips, dumbbell bench presses and standing dumbbell presses.
Ross Enamait pulling 565 lbs at a body weight of 180 lbs
Monday, May 10, 2010
One must work and dare if one really wants to live.
- Vincent van Gogh
Squat 3x5
Weighted sit-ups 4x10
Goodmornings 4x10
Rest 5-10 minutes
200 double-unders for time
- Vincent van Gogh
Squat 3x5
Weighted sit-ups 4x10
Goodmornings 4x10
Rest 5-10 minutes
200 double-unders for time
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Hybrid Fitness: Consumption will cause excessive performance.
Bench press 3x5
pull-ups 4x10
1 arm dumbbell press 4x10 each arm
Rest 5-10 minutes
3x400 meter interval sprints
Rest 2 minutes between intervals
Bench press 3x5
pull-ups 4x10
1 arm dumbbell press 4x10 each arm
Rest 5-10 minutes
3x400 meter interval sprints
Rest 2 minutes between intervals
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
People have far more energy than they give themselves credit for, and tend not to be as tired as they claim or "feel". A big pet peeve of mine is people saying they would rather only live 50 years eating whatever they wanted than 80 eating healthy. Really? Well I'll bet my weekend that when those 50 years are up they wished they stayed healthy and had the discipline to eat healthy and live longer.
Power clean 5x2
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 4x10
Rest 5-10 minutes
power clean x 5
front squat x 5
push-press x 5
Romanian deadlift x 5
Bent row x 5
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds
Power clean 5x2
Deadlift 3x5
Lunges 4x10
Rest 5-10 minutes
power clean x 5
front squat x 5
push-press x 5
Romanian deadlift x 5
Bent row x 5
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds
Monday, May 3, 2010
Back with regular updates
After computer issues, the military and general life issues, regular updates are back. Got a new rotation of workouts and a bit different style of programming.
Press 3x5
pull-ups 4x10
Push-ups 4x25
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
For time
The strongest teenager in America
Press 3x5
pull-ups 4x10
Push-ups 4x25
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
For time
The strongest teenager in America
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Balance your training, its no good to be to weak to jump or lift something and only be in good enough condition to walk to the squat rack.
Bench 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
Barbell complex
power clean x 5
front squat x 5
push-press x 5
Romanian deadlift x 5
Bent row x 5
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds
Go light we are still deloading
Monday, March 22, 2010
For this weeks lifting portion of the workout the weights will need to be lowered to allow a deload of intensity and rest. The sets will go as follows set 1: 40% of the weight lifted last, set 2: 50% weight lifted, set 3: 60 % weight lifted. This will be for the entire week of the strength portion. It will feel light but enjoy it.
Squat 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
Hill sprints again however warm-up and then do a couple of sets and call it a day. This is a deload week
She is good at burpees
Squat 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
Hill sprints again however warm-up and then do a couple of sets and call it a day. This is a deload week
She is good at burpees
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I firmly believe that fitness should enhance your life and not dominate it. I have read stories of people getting fired from jobs, getting divorced, and re-arranging entire schedules just to be able to workout. I can understand if a professional athlete's life at certain times requires them to devote themselves night and day for their sport, or if an amateur has a competition near. There is more to life and devoting yourself to a healthy and fit lifestyle is a different and worthwhile matter altogether. Use fitness and fitness goals as a vehicle to a more fulfilling life, there is a lot out there and being healthy and strong makes it all that much better.
Power-clean 3x3
Deadlift 5,3,1
Rest 5-10 minutes
6x400 meter run
2 minutes rest between intervals
Power-clean 3x3
Deadlift 5,3,1
Rest 5-10 minutes
6x400 meter run
2 minutes rest between intervals
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Many roads lead to strength and conditioning, there is no "one" way to reaching fitness goals. Some are better than others and what works for some people may not work for others. What the most successful lifters and fitness enthusiasts have in common is discipline and commitment. Most people have program ADD, they are always jumping from one protocol to another, never giving a program a chance to work. The successful stick with it, they hammer away and only sometimes make little tweaks to the regime. I often get asked how much I max out lifts, typically anywhere from 5-8 months after I start a new cycle. In the mean time I'm training sub maximal and getting stronger. You will not find many heavy singles in my gym.
Bench press 5,3,1
Rest 5-10 minutes
Dumbbell thrusters x 20
Swings x 15
Pull-ups x 10
Burpees x 5
3 rounds fast as possible
Bench press 5,3,1
Rest 5-10 minutes
Dumbbell thrusters x 20
Swings x 15
Pull-ups x 10
Burpees x 5
3 rounds fast as possible
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Not achieving goals that you set for yourself? A very simple way to ensure your personal or fitness goals are met is to take your goals and see if your lifestyle supports the goal.
Squat 5,3,1
Rest 5-10 minutes
Hill sprints 3x5
Find a steep hill and sprint up it, reach the top and then jog or walk back down, do 5 sprints then rest 2 minutes. 3 sets
Friday, March 12, 2010
Never let go.
Power clean 3x3
Deadlift 3x3
Rest 5- 10 minutes
5x400 meter run
Rest 2 minutes between intervals
Power clean 3x3
Deadlift 3x3
Rest 5- 10 minutes
5x400 meter run
Rest 2 minutes between intervals
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Squat 3x3
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
For time
The best pound for pound Boxer in the world.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Squat 3x3
Rest 5-10 minutes
1.5 mile run
For time
The best pound for pound Boxer in the world.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Late post, duty to country comes first.
Power clean 3x3
Deadlift 3x3
Rest 5-10 minutes
4x400 meter run
Rest 2 minutes between intervals
4 bills and 2 nickels
Power clean 3x3
Deadlift 3x3
Rest 5-10 minutes
4x400 meter run
Rest 2 minutes between intervals
4 bills and 2 nickels
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
“At the peak of tremendous and victorious effort, while the blood is pounding in your head, all suddenly becomes quiet within you. Everything seems clearer and whiter than ever before, as if great spotlights had been turned on. At that moment, you have the conviction that you contain all the power in the world, that you are capable of everything, that you have wings. There is no more precious moment in life than this, the white moment, and you will work very hard for years just to taste it again.”
- Yuri Vlasov, Soviet Weightlifter
Deadlift 3x3
Rest 5-10 minutes
Run 6x400 meters
Rest 2 minutes between intervals
Thursday, February 18, 2010
This is my 450th post of this blog, this equates to almost 450 workouts, I'm sure I had some random posts in the beginning a couple of years ago. What I have come to learn about health and fitness is that deep down it's about much more. I firmly believe that to live life fully, growth mentally, spiritually, and physically must be ongoing. What is the preferred method for this? In my humble opinion the vehicle to drive this is fitness. Goals are easily set within the context of fitness but will certainly be very challenging. When we meet and over come challenges and achieve goals, we grow, inside and out. There is no end to how far we can take ourselves. Smashing goals and overcoming set backs will certainly make life easier and more fulfilling. Thank you for following the blog, I hope you get as much out of it as I have.
Squat 5x3
Bench 5x3
Squat 5x3
Bench 5x3
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
There is some confusion regarding what high intensity interval training (HIIT) is and how it is different than high intensity circuit training. HIIT constitutes a intense period of exercise followed by a rest period to allow some recover to occur. During a high intensity circuit the goal is to bomb through the circuit as fast as possible. Due to the rest in the HIIT workout the intensity can be maintained throughout the training session or at least very close, whereas during a circuit, intensity will start to take noticeable drops until completed. Both are beneficial in a training program, just program well enough that intensity remains high in either case.
Power clean 3x5
Rest 5- 10 minutes
5 swings left arm
5 swings right arm
5 snatches left arm
5 snatches right arm
10 burpees
Rest 1 minute
5 rounds for time
Monday, February 15, 2010
A month into this strength block and everyone should still be rocking and rolling and adding weight every time they get under the bar. One principle, out of the many I have, is to start light. This tends to freak some people out as they feel they will become weaker. However most people have been spinning their wheels in the weight room and not making gains at all anyway so setting them up for success is easy when we start light. This leaves ample time to get strong, whereas if they start too heavy they will stall and regress sooner than later. Other trainers call it an "ego check", I call it training smart.
Squat 5x3
Press 5x3
Pull-ups 3 x 8
Squat 5x3
Press 5x3
Pull-ups 3 x 8
Friday, February 12, 2010
Keep a training journal. In order to track progress accurately, weights, reps and sets will need to be recorded along with the date the training was performed. Most people have a hard time remembering all their weights and in lots of cases end up repeating the same workouts over and over again. As we know once the body has adapted to a stimulus, a new stimulus needs to be introduced before gains in fitness occur. A properly updated journal can also give insights as to where a athlete started and how far they have come. I like to look through my old workouts to see what I did and how well it may or may not of worked. I have a journal that goes back to 2005 and there is some very valuable information for me to dig through. It's a cheap but effective tool.
Squat 5x3
Press 5x3
Chin-ups 3 x max reps
I met her at my job in the Military, gave her a tour and later found out who she is.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
There is no "perfect" workout program, we cannot improve every aspect of our fitness and body at the same time. No matter what a website or magazine tells us, the fact will remain that in order to greatly improve one aspect of fitness, something will suffer. This is fine, too many people get into a big rush about wanting to improve massively and be awesome at everything right now. There are an infinite amount of programs that promise huge gains in 2-6 weeks, what about 2-6 years? Why not look at training as a career that spans years and decades and not weeks and months. Patience is a virtue.
Squat 5x3
Bench 5x3
Deadlift 5x1
Monday, February 8, 2010
A sound mind in a sound body. Numerous studies show that diet and exercise relieve stress and help to build confidence and self esteem. These studies were done with a basic diet and exercise program and mostly did not delve deep into a more structured and effective approach. I fully agree with these studies and have seen with my own eyes the transformation someone will go through when properly coached and supported. The devil is in the details here, my clients always set their own short, medium and long term goals and I have general goals for everyone I train. As a trainer I know that my clients do need to be at a certain point physically to achieve their goals, it just helps the process move smoother and quicker. When clients start achieving these goals their confidence grows and the belief in themselves begin to solidify. I am often known to say to my clients, "You may not think you can do it, but I know you can." That is just part of the support I use to guide them to their personal goals. I don't judge other trainers by what they can do physically, but what they have helped their clients achieve.
Squat 5x3
Press 5x3
Pull-ups 3 x max reps
Squat 5x3
Press 5x3
Pull-ups 3 x max reps
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Building the muscle. This past week or so I have posted information as to why the everyday person would benefit from building muscle and strength. With this always comes the question "Will I get fat eating to get big and strong?" The answer is no, with a small caveat. The caveat is yes fat gain will happen when a serious bulking endeavour is taken. However the fat gain will be small compared to the muscle built. This advice is for the guys reading, ladies I feel you should eat to recover and build muscle, but ladies need to be a little more careful as fat gain can happen very quickly. The pic of me is weighing about 212 lbs, I wouldn't say I'm fat.
Squat 5x3
Bench 5x3
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Power is the rate that one can exert force. It relates to muscle size, the rate the nervous system can activate the muscles, muscle coordination, and how well chemical factors within the muscles withstand the onset of fatigue.
Power clean 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
50 swings
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups
50 squats
Fast as possible
Power clean 3x5
Rest 5-10 minutes
50 swings
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups
50 squats
Fast as possible
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