Saturday, August 28, 2010


With all it's variations and applications, the push-up is one of the top 3 foundational movements. It is not just a chest, triceps, and shoulder exercise but a very effective core strengthener as well. A proper push-up requires that a straight line be drawn from the ankles all the way through the shoulders throughout the full range of motion. The hips must rise with the shoulders and a sagging lower back is an indicator of a weak core. Many components of fitness can be trained with the push-up: strength endurance (basic push-up with a high rep set), Strength (1 arm push-up or feet elevated 1 arm push-up), and explosive strength (plyometric or "clapping" push-up) In all forms ensure there is a full range of movement i.e. chest brushing the ground and straight arms at the top.

Bench press 3x5
Bar push-up 4x quality set
Body rows 4 quality set
Rest 5 minutes
20x mountain climbers
15x push-ups
10x burps
5x burpees
6 rounds
For time

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