Saturday, January 3, 2009

Going solo

Everyone at one time or another has had to train alone, and this is not always a negative thing. Having a dedicated training partner has an awesome effect of pushing the training and driving both athletes to new PR's. But when its just you and the workout, you need to bring that motivation and drive out of your self. The athlete really must rely on their own self reliance to still build fitness and make gains and learn how to truly compete against themselves. Workouts and times must be recorded to give the athlete a metric to beat and no, talking to yourself while training does not make you crazy. When the athlete learns to push themselves and succeed, they dominate when put into a group workout or competition. So get the stop watch ready, turn up the music and get the game face on to smash your records.

Push-jerk 6x3

1:00 sprint / 1:00 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:50 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:40 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:30 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:20 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:10 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:20 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:30 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:40 rest
1:00 sprint / 0:50 rest
1:00 sprint / 1:00 rest

These are all out sprints, be fast and powerful!

Thanks Crossfit Endurance

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