Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Strong kids

I believe it is extremely important in this age of video games, cartoon network, the Internet and all the other reasons kids have to stay inside and on the couch, to get kids outside and active again. Sports teams are struggling, parks are usually empty, and summer camps are experiencing an all time low in attendance. Kids are missing out on so much health and living that it's a shame. My kids train, do sports, dance, and I kick their little behinds out of the house to play when the weather isn't too horrific. Don't worry about injuries and them getting dirty, they will get stronger and be healthier.

10 thrusters
10 pull-ups
75 rope jumps
5 rounds for time

F.T.G. training:
5 dumbell thrusters left arm
5 dumbell thrusters right arm
10 pull-ups
75 rope jumps
5 rounds for time

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