Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mixed modality training.

This type of training is really coming to the forefront of the fitness world in a big way. From Ross Enamait and Zach Evan-Esh to Crossfit and Gym Jones and myself, the best are mixing strength with conditioning and sometimes throwing a little bit of everything into training sessions. More recently the New England Sports Medicine publications have researched interval training extensively and have found that it build more fitness and burns more fat much faster than traditional long distance cardio sessions. Short answer for why this happens is this, intervals quickly burn the muscle glycogen away the body then turns to fat for fuel. However this does not mean that every once and a good while a longer distance conditioning session may pop up as a training session!

Training: courtesy of Crossfit
Run 400 Meters
21 swings
12 pulls
3 rounds for time

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