Having problems increasing the press? The answer is bench press. Much heavier weights will be used while benching as opposed to the push-press. The heavier weights will build more upper strength that will carry over to the press.
Training: Bench press 3x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 20 dumbbell front squats 20 pull-ups 16 dumbbell front squats 16 pull-ups 12 dumbbell front squats 12 pull-ups 8 dumbbell front squats 8 pull-ups For time
Someone tell Kaz that arm curls are not "functional", I'm not telling him shit.
This is a great combo to work, the power cleans, being much more technical are worked first. Since the power cleans aren't "heavy" in the conventional slow lift context, they provide a great warm-up to the deadlift. The heavy set of 5 on the deadlift builds the strength necessary to improve the power clean amongst other things.
When an athlete is consistently below 10% body fat, performance will suffer. Typically 12-15% yields some of the best performance depending on the sport and its metabolic demands. Plus the extra fat helps to keep you warm on cold Wyoming winter days.
When there is strength programmed , and when isn't with me, the nomenclature should be read as follows: Deadlift 5x1, this is 5 reps at 1 set. Another example is: power cleans 3x5, this 3 reps at 5 sets. The first number is reps and the second number is sets.
Sometime I hear "Favre, I finished that workout in under 5 minutes, is that too fast?" Think about what we do during the entire training session and the week overall. There's the general warm-up, then the specific warm-up, a heavy lift comprising of multiple sets, and then the conditioning. That's a shit load of work to pack in to an hour and then multiply by 5 days with only 2 rest days throughout any given week. If the conditioning was drawn out and a grinder we would have a lower total work/power output and a more difficult time recovering. It's all part of the greater plan to build strength and conditioning in the safest and most efficient means possible.
Training: 8 pull-ups 10 box-jumps (24", 20") 5 rounds for time
Some men run, others stick around to wrestle the bear.
Sometimes life has different, busier plans than we are ready for.
Training: Press 3x5, add between 1-5lbs from previous weight Rest 5-10 minutes 9 dumbbell snatches each arm (35lbs, 55lbs) 15 double-unders Max rounds in 12 minutes
Military, LEO, Firefighters, and EMT's are not endurance athletes, they are all strength athletes first and foremost. There are Military troops and Cops who feel they need to run 20-30 miles a week to be in fighting shape. How is running that far going to prepare them for picking up or dragging someone to safety while wearing all their gear? Why would they need to run that far when they are issued a rifle that's effective to 500 meters, a radio, and usually a vehicle? Get strong then in condition, be more effective.
Training: Press 3x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 26-22-18-14-10-6 6-10-14-18-22-26 Double-unders Burpees For time
The trapezius muscle is one of the largest muscles of the back with huge potential to get very strong. The best builder of this muscle group? The deadlift.
If there is a good amount of knee popping or cracking going on during the squat, ensure the athlete is actively pushing the knees out hard during the entire range of motion.
Training: Squat 3x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 10-8-6-4-2 20-18-16-14-12 Power clean (heavy) Push-ups For time
Here is some video of actors and stuntman of the soon to be released movie "Clash of the Titans" They are kicking each other while in the plank to ensure proper tightness.
Do not train when sick. Intense exercise temporarily lowers the immune system and if there is a virus it will be easier for it to strike. Also while recovering from an illness the human body is working hard as it is, there is no reason to throw exercise recovery on top of that as well.
Training: Press 3x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 21 dumbbell power cleans (45lbs, 25lbs) 21 dumbbell front squats (45lbs, 25lbs) 21 dumbbell push-presses (45lbs, 25lbs) 15 dumbbell power cleans (45lbs, 25lbs) 15 dumbbell front squats (45lbs, 25lbs) 15 dumbbell push-presses (45lbs, 25lbs) 9 dumbbell power cleans (45lbs, 25lbs) 9 dumbbell front squats (45lbs, 25lbs) 9 dumbbell push-presses (45lbs, 25lbs) For time
If someone is of the opinion that the knees should not travel over the toes during a full squat, then they no longer deserve an opinion on how to correctly execute a full squat.
Training: Squat 3x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11 10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19 Double-unders Push-ups For time
Military: Deadlift 1x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 5 burpees 10 dumbbell snatches, 5 each arm 15 swings 5 rounds for time
When setting up to deadlift or power clean, set up to the bar, not the bar to you. The bar should not be rolled or pushed away prior to pulling. Get the stance then grip, shins to the bar, knees out to the elbows, raise the chest hard and pull, dragging the bar up the legs.
Training: Deadlift 1x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 5 burpees 10 dumbbell snatches, 5 each arm (55lbs, 35lbs) 15 swings (55lbs, 35lbs) 5 rounds for time
It isn't called whole milk cause it has all it's fat in it, that would be dumb. When milk is processed to remove fat; minerals, vitamins, and the ratio of macro nutrients are effected and the end product is altered in negative ways. With the exception of pasteurization and homogenization, whole milk will have retained it's delicious ratio of vitamins, minerals, and macro nutrients.
Training: 10 dumbbell hang cleans (45lbs, 30lbs) 20 push-ups 5 rounds for time
Military: 2 mile run For time
There is some very advanced concepts used in this video, however it should be obvious by the massive weights they are lifting that advanced concepts and programming is essential at this level of adaptation.
Push the heels through the ground while bench pressing, when this is done correctly the athletes body will tighten up and will help rotate the hips and shoulders further into the bench. Maintaining tightness and correct body position.
Training: Bench press 3x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Box jumps (24", 20") Sit-ups 50 rope turns For time
Training: At the top of every minute perform 3 burpees, then in the remaining time of that minute perform as many swings as possible. 100 swings for time (55lbs, 35lbs)
When properly set up to receive the bar, remain as tight as possible for the entire set. The tighter the athlete, the more weight will be moved. It is always much more efficient to press or pull from a solid, tight position.
Training: Bench press 5x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 9 pull-ups 20 box jumps (24", 20") 3 rounds for time
Military: Bench press 3x5 Then 3 sets of max pull-ups
“If you want to look like some Abercrombie model, then find another program and enjoy your nice, easy training style. If you are serious about adding muscle to your frame, then get under the damn bar and make it happen. “ Coach Rip
Training: 21 dumbbell snatches, left arm (45lbs, 30 lbs) 21 dumbbell snatches, right arm (45lbs, 30 lbs) 21 burpees 21 double-unders 15 dumbbell snatches, left arm (45lbs, 30 lbs) 15 dumbbell snatches, right arm (45lbs, 30 lbs) 15 burpees 15 double-unders 9 dumbbell snatches, left arm (45lbs, 30 lbs) 9 dumbbell snatches, right arm (45lbs, 30 lbs) 9 burpees 9 double-unders
I am going to be programming the majority of the conditioning sessions with dumbbells. We have been hitting the major lifts hard and heavy and I do not want to mess up the neural pathways with sloppy form that generally happens during high intensity conditioning.
Training: Squat 5x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 21 dumbbell front squats (45lbs, 35lbs) 21 pull-ups 15 dumbbell front squats (45lbs, 35lbs) 15 pull-ups 9 dumbbell front squats (45lbs, 35lbs) 9 pull-ups For time
Military: Squat 3x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 100 squats 400 meter run 75 squats 400 meter run 50 squats 400 meter run 25 squats 400 meter run For time
"He is a Swedish discus thrower who won a bronze medal in the 1972 Olympic Games. However, a steroid fiasco kept him out of further competition, and this pissed Ricky off. A lot. He trained like an absolute madman (which you’ll see in the video below), and proceeded to throw the discus between 3 and 5 meters further than the current world record (unofficial sources vary with the distance). After he stopped taking steroids, there are reports that he took about 750 vitamin pills a day while improving his performance even more." 70sbig.com
Training: 150 meter run 10 jumping lunges 8 plyo-push-ups 5 rounds for time
If the definition of functional strength is "moving a large load, a long distance, quickly." Then why wouldn't you want to get damn strong? Why would a gym program conditioning after conditioning then occasionally sprinkle in a strength day? Usually they do this because they do not understand that strength improves all other aspects of fitness. The stronger a person gets, the more load they can move and they will do so quicker. The strength portion of the workouts I program are more important than the following conditioning part. Strength takes longer to develop, however it is lasting, conditioning though can be built much quicker especially after a solid base of strength is built.
Training: At the top of every minute perform 5 burpees, then during the remaining time in that minute do as many thrusters as possible. The goal is to reach 50 thrusters as fast as possible. 95lbs for the men and 65lbs for the women.
Because what else is there when we are talking deadlifts?
Training: Deadlift 1x5, this means work up to a heavy set of 5 reps Rest 5-10 minutes 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Overhead squat (95lbs, 65lbs) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Pull-ups For time
Military: Deadlift 1x5, this means work up to a heavy set of 5 reps Rest 5-10 minutes Mini-Cindy 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 squats Max rounds in 8 minutes
This is the workout Skip Miller of Front Range Crossfit was putting his athletes through while I was there learning from Coach Rip. Seeing the high power output and also how nice it fit into programming for this week, convinced me to toss it in.
Training: 10 front squats (135lbs, 85lbs) 20 push-ups 30 double-unders 4 rounds for time
It really grinds my gears when I'm talking about training and how to properly approach starting, and someone says that they need to do some type of running or other form of "cardio" before starting strength training. Their ignorance about fitness astounds me, there are 10 components of fitness and a properly planned weight training program improves all 10. However pounding the pavement or putting the useless miles on an elliptical or bike will build very little fitness. It does not matter if the person is very over weight or very skinny, the foundation is always built on strength.
Training: Press 5x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 10 dumbbell snatches, each arm (45lbs, 30 lbs) 15 box jumps 3 rounds for time
Friday, October 9, 2009
Heading to Denver to learn from the best!
Training: Front squat 5x5
Military: Squat 4x10 Rest 5-10 minutes 150 push-ups, Favre's way. For time Start doing push-ups, as soon as the kness hit the ground or both hands come off the ground, run 400 meters. After running continue the push-ups until 150 are reached.
"Anyone who says that full squats are "bad for the knees" has, with that statement, demonstrated conclusively that they are not entitled to an opinion about the matter. People who know nothing about a topic, especially a very technical one that requires specific training, knowledge, and experience, are not due an opinion about that topic and are better served by being quiet when it is asked about or discussed. For example, when brain surgery, or string theory, or the NFL draft, or women's dress sizes, or white wine is being discussed, I remain quiet, odd though that may seem. But seldom is this the case when orthopedic surgeons, athletic trainers, physical therapists, or nurses are asked about full squats." Coach Rip
Training: 9 Dumbbell snatches, left arm 9 dumbbell snatches, right arm 15 push-ups Max rounds in 15 minutes
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
"Only people willing to work to the point of discomfort on a regular basis using effective means to produce that discomfort will actually look like they have been other-than-comfortable most of the time.
You can thank the muscle magazines for these persistent misconceptions, along with the natural tendency of all normal humans to seek reasons to avoid hard physical exertion." Coach Rip Training: Power clean 6x3 Rest 5-10 minutes 7 front squats (115lbs, 75lbs) 7 any-how overhead (115lbs, 75lbs) 9 pull-ups 3 rounds for time
Military: Power clean 3x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 10 power cleans 50 push-ups 8 power cleans 40 squats 6 power cleans 30 push-ups 4 power cleans 20 squats 2 power cleans 10 push-ups For time
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement. ~Alfred Adler
Training: 400 meter run 8 swings (55lbs, 35lbs) 150 meter weighted walk (105lbs, 55lbs) 3 rounds for time
When squatting through a complete range of motion actively push the knees out as hard as possible. This will help with the stretch reflex at the bottom of the squat and help to develop the abductors. Allowing the knees to collapse in somewhat is not inherently dangerous however it is a sign of the stronger quads looking to take over and lift the weight. We are always looking to build balanced strength and to minimize any chance of injury, so push those knees out hard.
Training: Squat 5x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 10 power cleans (135lbs, 95lbs) 12 pull-ups 4 rounds for time
Functional, essential, and effective. The one aspect of fitness that keeps the elderly independent, packs muscle on skinny teens and keeps bones healthy, is strength. Strength is built with heavy weight lifted through a complete range of motion. The exercise most people can lift the most weight, the deadlift.
Training: Deadlift 3x3 Rest 5-10 minutes 15 pull-ups 50 double-unders 3 rounds for time
Military: Learn the power clean Rest 5-10 minutes 21 deadlifts, bodyweight on the bar 9 thrusters 3 rounds for time
When performing a power snatch or power clean, time the stomp of the heels with the catch of the barbell. This will result in a smooth, correct, and successful lift.
Training: 31 push-ups 32 sit-ups 33 squats 3 rounds for time
Squeeze the ass while performing heavy overhead work. Doing this will stabilize the lower body by keeping everything tight, we press stronger from a stable position than a loose one. You can fire a cannon from a canoe, but only once.
Training: Press 3x3 Rest 5-10 minutes 400 rope jumps or 100 double unders 35 swings 35 burpees For time
Military: Press 5x5 Rest 5-10 minutes 100 sit-ups 35 swings 35 burpees For time
Teddy Atlas and Cus training the most explosive heavyweight in history.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt
I keep about 80-85% of the workouts high power and fast to ensure power production is consistently increased. However it is smart to push the time domain out farther to give the athlete exposure to a longer duration "grind" type of modality.
Training: 800 meter run 35 sit-ups 15 pull-ups 3 rounds for time
Military: Squat 3x3 Rest 5-10 minutes 400 meter run 25 squats 12 dumbbell snatches (6 each arm) 3 rounds for time
Yes he lifts out of his garage, there is something special about the garage gym.
8 years ago the United States was attacked by terrorists bent on destroying our way of life. As was said by FDR after Pearl Harbor, the sleeping giant was awoken. It did not take long for our Military to smash and destroy their infrastructure and leadership. 9/11 will never be forgotten.
Training: 150 meter run 50 sit-ups 150 meter run 40 push-ups 150 meter run 30 sit-ups 150 meter run 20 push-ups 150 meter run 10 sit-ups For time
The first round tends to go really fast but once the bar is grabbed for round 2 a whole new world is there. The heart rate will be elevated and breathing hard will have set in, making stabilizing a heavy load very taxing. That's the beauty of heavy conditioning sessions. The effectiveness lies in moving a large load a long distance quickly.
Training: Power clean 3x3 or 7x1 Then 5 Thrusters (135lbs, 95lbs) 10 dumbbell snatches (45lbs, 25lbs) these are 5 each arm 15 pull-ups 3 rounds for time
Having to demonstrate accuracy and focus with an elevated heart rate is very difficult but can be trained very effectively.
Athletes cannot go wrong mastering the basics of exercise. Squats, pull-ups, push-ups and sit-ups can go a very long way in building high levels of health and fitness. Amateurs practice until they do it right and professionals practice until they can't do it wrong.
The floor press is a tremendous upper body strength builder. Because of the shorter range of motion i.e. the athlete laying on the floor, more weight will be handled building stronger pressing throughout that range of motion. This will be very helpful in strengthening the press and push press as common sticking points are where the heavier floor press takes over.
Training: Floor press 3x3 Then 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 swings 75 rope jumps in between the swings For time
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 swings 42-36-38-24-18-12 double unders For time
Prior to executing any lift, ensure you have set your self up properly to do the lift correctly. If it takes a minute to get your body into the proper pulling position for a deadlift or power clean then that's what it takes. If the lift is rushed mistakes will be made and the athlete may be unsuccessful. During a high intensity conditioning session the rules are different but do not put safety on the back burner.
Training: Squat 3x3 Then 9 thrusters 9 pull-ups 5 rounds for time.
Because weak and slow is no way to go through life. When starting many of these dynamic movements seen through out the various workouts posted on the site, expect to be slow at first. The athletes nervous system and muscles need time to learn to be fast. With practice and effort, the nervous system will fire the muscle groups faster and faster.
Training: Run 150 meters 6 dumbbell snatches, left arm 6 dumbbell snatches, right arm 8 clapping push-ups Rest 1 minute 3 rounds for time
During the dynamic lifts, cleans, snatches and their variations, keep the bar very close to the body during the second pull. This is the most efficient bar path and will lead to a much smoother lift.
Training: Power clean 5x3 Then 10 deadlifts 50 push-ups 8 deadlifts 40 squats 6 deadlifts 30 push-ups 4 deadlifts 20 squats 2 deadlifts 10 push-ups For time
You cannot lift what your hands cannot hold onto. Building stronger forearms and hands has shown strong evidence in preventing back injuries and chronic pain. How is this? The stronger the hands and forearms are, the more secure the grip Will be on whatever object being lifted. The back will not need to work as hard to support the load.
Training: 6 pull-ups 8 knees to elbows 48 rope jumps Max rounds in 20 minutes
Some people swear by milk being one of the most perfect natural protein shakes and some people say dairy is not meant for human consumption. I'll let the individual decide, if it works then go with it and if not then find what does.
Training: Floor press 5x5 Then 15 pull-ups (21 pull-ups) 15 push-ups (ring dips) 15 2 count chinnies Run 400 meters 12 pull-ups (15 pull-ups) 12 push-ups (ring dips) 12 2 count chinnies Run 400 meters 9 pull-ups 9 push-ups (ring dips) 9 2 count chinnies For time
Unfortunately many of our health-care problems are self-inflicted: two-thirds of Americans are now overweight and one-third are obese. Most of the diseases that kill us and account for about 70% of all health-care spending—heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and obesity—are mostly preventable through proper diet, exercise, not smoking, minimal alcohol consumption and other healthy lifestyle choices. —Mr. Mackey is co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market Inc.
Training: Deadlift 3x3 Then Run 400 meters 21 weighted sit-ups 12 thrusters 3 rounds for time
Jump as hard as possible when executing these dynamic movements. This is not the time to get timid and soft with the weights, grip hard, maintain the proper positions and jump hard!
Training: Push-press 3x3 Then 5 snatches, left arm 5 snatches, right arm 10 burpees 5 rounds for time
Notice how these Chinese lifters jump hard to apply the maximum amount of power to the weight as possible. Then notice the Coach at the end with the yellow Nike shirt on, he has a gut.
Guts, heart, desire; tough training will go a long way in building a tough mind. A lot of aspects in day to day life can become much easier when mental toughness is built as a result of a challenging fitness regime.
Training: Front squat 3x3 Then Run 150 meters 15 swings 21 sit-ups 5 rounds for time
Ever feel like a training session wasn't enough? This is an indication that an athlete is not pushing hard enough during the workout and will not be disrupting homeostasis enough to drive adaption. Training for the most part needs to be intense and challenging, if the board says "for time" then this means to push and blaze through the workout as fast as possible.
Training: Run 550 meters 21 box jumps (24", 20") 21 ring dips Run 400 meters 15 box jumps (24", 20") 15 ring dips Run 150 meters 9 box jumps (24", 20") 9 ring dips For time
The back is capable of supporting and moving a massive amount of weight when it is arched correctly. Learn to properly activate the back in a strong arch and then fight to keep that arch throughout the range of motion. Then enjoy a life time of a strong, pain free back.
Training: Deadlift 3x3 Then 5 power cleans 5 front squats 100 rope turns or 30 double unders 5 rounds for time
This was the least annoying video about the superman exercise. When she says she is squeezing her core she is talking about her lower back, if she were squeezing her abs she wouldn't be able to perform the exercise. I use this movement to show and have an athlete feel what a active back held in a strong arch feels like. Now they will know what I'm talking about when I say to arch hard and keep the chest up.
Warming up prior to an training session should serve the purpose of raising the body's core temperature as well as taking the body through a full range of motion. Doing this will prepare the athlete for the main training session physically and mentally. In my gym we do a dynamic warm-up composed of basic mobility drills, this accomplishes the 2 objectives mentioned above as well as "waking" up the body which may have become inactive from sleeping or sitting in a office chair all day.
Training: 11 pull-ups 13 burpees 5 rounds for time
The body is one unit and strength is seamless and training the body as a whole is the fastest way to elite strength and conditioning. However loading full body movements in a one limb manner opens a whole new world of balance, flexibility, and core stability.
Training: Push-press 5,5,5,3,3,3 Then 5 swings, left arm 5 swings, right arm 5 overhead lunges, left arm 5 overhead lunges, right arm 5 rounds for time
Go heavy on the cleans during the conditioning portion of the workout today. Having to demonstrate a high power and strength output while highly fatigued will produce function directly parallel to the demands of daily work and play.
Training: Front squat 5x5 Then 5 cleans 25 push-ups 3 rounds for time
Be patient with the first pull of the power clean. Wait until the weight hits the mid thigh area before jumping and hitting the second pull. This will allow maximum power production and put the body in the correct positions to successfully make the lift.
Training: Power clean 5x5 Then 15 box jumps (20", 24") 21 swings (35lbs, 55lbs) 12 pull-ups 3 rounds for time.
How do you gauge progress to know if yourself or athletes are getting fitter? Easy, if all other aspects are equal, if more weight is being used or times are getting faster then we are getting fitter.
Training: Squat 3x3 Then 15 thrusters 15 swings 15 burpees 12 thrusters 12 swings 12 burpees 9 thrusters 9 swings 9 burpees For time
It looks simple on paper or white board, but simple does not always mean easy. The point of the 2 minutes of rest between the intervals is to allow for full recovery or at least pretty close to it. With this recovery each interval can be performed at near max intensity making this workout very taxing yet highly productive.
Training: 4x400 meter run Rest 2 minutes between each interval
Amy is the other brave athlete that completed the 6 workouts prior to the summer break. This one is going to be fun.
Amy: Body weight clean & jerk, 1500 total pounds 400 meter sandbag carry (95lbs, 65lbs) Body weight clean & jerk, 1500 total pounds 400 meter sandbag carry (95lbs, 65lbs) For time
take the athlete's current body weight and divide it by 1500 to get the number of reps for the clean & jerk. For example I weight 170 lbs so 1500/170=8.8, we round up to get 9 reps for a total of 18 total reps for the workout.
Training: Power clean 5x5 Then 11 pull-ups 8 dumbbell snatches (4 each arm) 5 rounds for time
How I love the training days that start with some heavy lifting and then move into a heavy and short conditioning session. Structuring training in this fashion is a very economical use of time in the gym that will yield some killer results.
Training: Squats 3x3 Then Pull-upsx9 Front squatsx7 Push pressx5 3 rounds for time
Training: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Swings (55lbs, 35lbs) Weighted sit-ups (55lbs, 35 lbs) Box jumps (24", 20") Run 150 meters in between each number For time
Fartlek means "play" in Swedish, and today we have a couple of options for training.
Training: Fartlek running- Run for 15 minutes but to do it fartlek style, at random intervals during the run, sprint and slow down and repeat for whatever you choose but keep moving for 15 minutes.
Jump rope fartlek style, same as the run, find a pace and then randomly speed and slow down. Keep moving for 15 minutes.
4x400 meters run. Rest time is exactly how long it took to do the previous interval. If an interval tool 90 seconds, then take 90 seconds of rest. However long an interval took, that's the amount of rest taken.
Monday Training: 21 squats 21 push-ups Run 400 meters 15 squats 15 push-ups Run 400 meters 9 squats 9 push-ups run 400 meters For time
Wednesday Training: 30 burpees 30 chinnies 20 burpees 20 chinnies 10 burpees 10 chinnies For time These are 2 count chinnies
To measure 400 meters, get in a vehicle and reset the odometer, drive until it reads 0.1. Running to that spot and back to where you starting driving is about 400 meters.
The end of 6 days of some of the most intense and challenging workouts I have to offer. Congratulations to all my athletes for making it through and a special congrats to Shelly and Amy for making all 6 workouts! For their efforts both will get a workout created in their names. The last workout was absolutely beastly and I'm sure everyone is happy to have a week or so to recover.
Training: Tabata Krista-Trace Tabata rope skips (Favre did double unders) Tabata burpees Tabata push-ups Tabata squats Tabata swings Max reps on all intervals, score is total reps for all movements
After stomping the heels back to the ground after full extension, ensure they stay on the ground and the athlete pushes through them hard during the hang cleans.
Training: Liss 21 hang cleans 21 burpees 21 pull-ups 15 hang cleans 15 burpees 15 pull-ups 9 hang cleans 9 burpees 9 pull-ups For time Weight is dumbbells that equal 55% of body weight
Sometimes I get fired up when an athlete of mine is going for a big lift and tend to get loud and yell. If it startles anyone, I'm sorry. That sorry also extends to all the future times it will happen!
Training: Squats 1,1,1,1,1 Then Weighted sit-ups 4x10
True interval training incorporates rest periods in between each interval. This will allow each interval to be done at higher intensities thus increasing power. Just another tool in the never ending journey to higher fitness.
Training: Run 400 meters 6 dumbbell snatches left arm 6 dumbbell snatches right arm 12 pull-ups Rest 1 minute 3 rounds for time
Ensure the hip joint and knees fully open during these and other dynamic movements. This ensures full power development and utilizes the full range of motion of the movements.
Training: 21 hang squat cleans 21 swings 15 hang squat cleans 15 swings 9 hang squat cleans 9 swings For time
Game this workout, do not do as many thrusters as possible in the first minute but work until the minute is up. If you can rock out 13 thrusters in the first minute only do 10. This will leave you stronger for the next minutes and hopefully allow you to finish the workout quicker.
Training: Start a timer, at the start of each minute do 5 burpees and then in the remaining time, do thrusters until the minute is up. Continue like this until you have completed 50 thrusters.
High intense, mixed modal training builds a solid foundation for high risk, first responder jobs.